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Targeted Research NSF DUE-0435464 Rick Tessman, McLean Media Nov 7, 2007 Learning Activity Templates for Digital Libraries Content Clips.

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Presentation on theme: "Targeted Research NSF DUE-0435464 Rick Tessman, McLean Media Nov 7, 2007 Learning Activity Templates for Digital Libraries Content Clips."— Presentation transcript:

1 Targeted Research NSF DUE-0435464 Rick Tessman, McLean Media Nov 7, 2007 Learning Activity Templates for Digital Libraries Content Clips and CSO

2 ( Content Clips home page Content Clips home page

3 login page Login page

4 welcome tab Teacher’s landing page (after login)

5 assign tab Assigning items to Class Clip Zone

6 assign tab - Clip Zone - showing clips and activities Assigning items to Class Clip Zone

7 assign tab - album activity - clips and tools Assigning items to Class Clip Zone

8 assign tab - sorting activity Sonia’s login redirects her to the Content Kit Sonia’s login redirects her to the Content Kit

9 Rick Tessman, McLean Media overview Content Clips and CSO

10 How can we design a dynamic online system to help teachers use clips from distributed digital collections in classroom activities and presentations? How can we design a dynamic online system to help teachers use clips from distributed digital collections in classroom activities and presentations? research challenge

11 elements of the system  Clip Collection  Published and Personal Content  Metadata  Clip data files  Activity XML files  Current activity state for each user

12 elements of the system  Clip Collection  Content Kit - teachers’ area to assemble and assign activities  Flash Templates (shells) - to combine clips into activities  Presenters - to launch individual clips such as images  Tools - to manipulate or modify clips within activities  Class Clip Zone - presentation view for classroom use  Student Accounts - separate class login for evaluation sites

13 available clip formats image (JPEG) sound (MP3) PDF Word Doc Flash (SWF) PowerPoint FlashVideo (FLV) QuickTime web page

14 login page Login page

15 welcome tab Teacher’s landing page (after login)


17 design documentation documentation includes:  Core Framework Concepts (as applied to federated content)  URN Namespace for Federated Content [RFC 4198]  XML Schema Guidelines  Glossary of Terms The Content Clips system design and framework have been developed by Zelestra. Documentation can be accessed through the web site:

18 technical components  Dedicated Linux server, Apache  SAML-based identity management system  Component-based Java Struts framework  Databases: MySQL online, FilemakerPro offline  REST-based web services for dynamic image scaling, updating student-specific activity state, and other features  Ajax, currently used for presenters, coming soon to Content Kit (i.e. drag and drop)  XHTML, Cascading Style Sheets

19 project contacts Lois McLean, Ed.D. & Rick Tessman, Co-PIs McLean Media - Dave Tessman, System Architect Zelestra -

20 end (BLACK)

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