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Aging, Death, & End of Life Issues. Allport’s Characteristics of a Healthy Adult Extension of sense of self Warm human interaction Emotional security.

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Presentation on theme: "Aging, Death, & End of Life Issues. Allport’s Characteristics of a Healthy Adult Extension of sense of self Warm human interaction Emotional security."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aging, Death, & End of Life Issues

2 Allport’s Characteristics of a Healthy Adult Extension of sense of self Warm human interaction Emotional security and self acceptance Realistic perceptions Self objectification Demonstrate a unifying philosophy of life

3 Theories of Aging Cellular Clock Theory (Hayflick limit) –Cells have an absolute limit on the number of times they can divide. As they stop aging increases. Free Radical Theory –Chemicals produced by cell division and by the environment (pollution, smoking, etc.) cause cell damage and aging Hormonal Stress Theory –Aging of bodies hormonal system can lower resilience to stress and cause aging

4 Theories of Aging Cellular Garbage Theory –Garbage builds in cells due to aging cells difficulty in disposing of waste which creates slower functioning due to crowding. Wear and Tear Theory –Bodies accumulated damage over time makes it impossible to repair

5 Successful Aging Theories –Continuity theory Must maintain continuity of past and change –Disengagement theory Must have mutual disengagement between individual and society –Activity theory Must remain as active as possible

6 Peck’s Three Developmental Tasks of Late Adulthood Differentiation vs. Role Pre-occupation –Must redefine worth in terms other than career Body Transcendence vs. Body Pre-occupation –Must learn to cope with declining physical health Ego Transcendence vs. Ego Pre-occupation –Must recognize death is inevitable and come to terms with ones life

7 Dealing with the End of Life Spirituality Advanced Directives –Will –Living Will –Durable Power of Attorney –Funeral arrangements


9 Dealing With Death Experience –Bereavement The state or condition of loss –Grief The emotional response to loss –Mourning Outward display of grief (culturally prescribed)

10 Models of Grieving

11 Grief Work –Individual process –Cannot underestimate the time needed –Involves Acknowledging the reality of the loss Working through the emotional turmoil Adjusting to the environment where the deceased is absent Loosening the ties to the deceased

12 Dual Process Model of Coping w/ Loss Stroebe & Schut

13 Why Grieving is Important Loss involves more than death of a loved one. The problem of compounded grief.

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