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By Nyoka English Copyright 2014 by Nyoka English.

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1 By Nyoka English Copyright 2014 by Nyoka English

2  Continuous student assessment ◦ Takes place for the duration/life of the SBA ◦ Performed by the teacher assigned to the subject ◦ Involves the teacher awarding reliable estimates of achievement ◦ Takes place within the school environment It is the role of the teacher in the assessment of SBAs. Copyright 2014 by Nyoka English

3  SBA guideline  Established submission timelines for each section of the SBA *  Collecting SBA sections on established due dates  Continuous feedback Copyright 2014 by Nyoka English

4  Done “…to ensure that scores awarded by teachers are in line with Caribbean Examination Council standards...” (Caribbean Examination Council, 2014) Copyright 2014 by Nyoka English

5  Visiting Moderation  Moderation by Remarking  Oral Moderation  Centre Moderation Copyright 2014 by Nyoka English

6  Conducted on ALL subject offerings  Each centre submits ONE sample of students’ work per subject Copyright 2014 by Nyoka English

7  Performed by CXC examiners at a marking centre.  Samples of assignments are used ◦ (Five or less (dependent on class size))  Moderation Form  Unit 1 Unit 1  Unit 2 Unit 2  Moderation Feedback Form Copyright 2014 by Nyoka English

8 MarkingModeration  Done by teachers  Continuous process  Continuous feedback to students from teacher  Assigns score to each student in class  Done by CXC examiners  One occasion  Single feedback provided to teacher from CXC  Assigns score to samples moderated Copyright 2014 by Nyoka English


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