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 Mining is extracting ore or minerals from the ground  An ore is a natural material with a high concentration of economically valuable minerals that.

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2  Mining is extracting ore or minerals from the ground  An ore is a natural material with a high concentration of economically valuable minerals that can be mined for a profit

3  There are two main types of mines. 1)Surface Mining 2)Subsurface Mining

4  Mineral deposits are found on or near the surface of the Earth and are removed.  There are 3 types of surface mines: 1. Open-pit: removes large, near surface deposits of minerals such as gold and copper. Mined downward in layers. 2. Strip Mining: removing surface coal in strips up to 50 m wide x 1 km long 3. Mountaintop Removal Mining: removes summit or summit ridge of a mountain for coal

5 Open-pit Mine

6 Strip Mining

7 Mountaintop Removal Mining

8 Appalachian Mountains Preservation Act In 2009, NC was the first state to introduce a bill preserving mountain tops In 2009, NC was the first state to introduce a bill preserving mountain tops This ended industries from using coal obtained from mountaintop removal mining to produce electricity This ended industries from using coal obtained from mountaintop removal mining to produce electricity 10 other states have followed suit and introduced similar bills 10 other states have followed suit and introduced similar bills

9  Minerals are located too deep for surface mining  Shafts, tunnels and passageways are dug into the ground to reach the ores.


11  The site of the first documented gold find in the United States, 1799  John Reed, farmer in Cabarrus County, found 17 pound yellow rock in creek which was used as doorstop for 3 years  In 1802, Fayetteville jeweler recognized and bought nugget from Reed for asking price of $3.50  Following year, Reed began the “Reed Mining Operation” only working off-months from farming  Recovered an estimated $100,000 by 1824 using only pans



14  Mining can destroy or disturb habitats  Waste products can pollute water systems  When a mine is no longer being used, the land should be returned to its original state or better = Reclamation  Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975

15 Mine Albert, before and after reclamation, Quebec, Canada


17  Houses  Cars  Toothpaste  Plumbing  Wiring  Planes  Electronics  Jewelry  Glass If we can’t grow it, it has to be mined!

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