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Managing Your Program Growth: Getting and Staying on Track Friday, February 19, 2016 2016 Quality Standards Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Your Program Growth: Getting and Staying on Track Friday, February 19, 2016 2016 Quality Standards Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Your Program Growth: Getting and Staying on Track Friday, February 19, 2016 2016 Quality Standards Conference

2 Materials at a Glance Agenda Idea Keeper Key Concepts Round Robin Action Plan

3 Adult Learning…

4 Milling to the Music Music Plays Dance and/or Walk around the room Music Stops Find a Partner Discuss the Question

5 Milling to the Music What brought you to this workshop today? What do you know about program development and growth?

6 Milling to the Music What do you want to know about program development and growth?

7 Session Overview Share experience… “Light touch on key concepts/tools” You have at least 1 concrete step or action to implement within 30 days.

8 Program growth and development takes on different shapes and forms and there is no one size fits all…

9 Sustainable approach…ways to and stay on track with program development and growth.

10 It’s all in the Approach… 3 Key Concepts

11 It’s all in the Approach… Key Concept 1 STAGES AND PHASES

12 It’s all in the Approach… Key Concept 1 STAGES AND PHASES Stuck: This stage or phase can be described as “quicksand or my hands are tied.”

13 It’s all in the Approach… Key Concept 1 STAGES AND PHASES Transitioning: This stage or phase can be described as “upward and onward” or “two steps forward, two steps back.”

14 It’s all in the Approach… Key Concept 1 STAGES AND PHASES On trend: This stage or phase can be described as “above the curve.”

15 It’s all in the Approach… Key Concept 2 CYCLE OF QUALITY IMPROVEMENT


17 It’s all in the Approach… Key Concept 3 KEY ELEMENTS

18 It’s all in the Approach… Key Concept 3 KEY ELEMENTS STAFF

19 It’s all in the Approach… Key Concept 3 KEY ELEMENTS CURRICULUM

20 It’s all in the Approach… Key Concept 3 KEY ELEMENTS FUNDING/FUNDRAISING

21 It’s all in the Approach… Key Concept 3 KEY ELEMENTS CAPACITY-BUILDING

22 It’s all in the Approach… Key Concept 3 KEY ELEMENTS PROGRAM CULTURE

23 Give me a E-L-E-M-E-N-T Remember the opening energizer… What brought you here?

24 Give me a E-L-E-M-E-N-T Top 5 Staff Curriculum Funding/Fundraising Capacity-building Program Culture

25 Bird’s-eye View

26 If you were to hover high above your program, what would you see first, second, third, etc.?

27 Bird’s-eye View Based on where your program is today…order these key elements by priority or importance.

28 Milling to the Music Music Plays Go Stand by Top 1 Priority Music Stops

29 Milling to the Music Why did you choose this element as your top priority or most important?

30 Bird’s-eye View Exercise Structure/Format 1.Requestor briefly explains the situation [2 min]. 2.Requestor asks, “How can or should I…?” 3.Peers take turns asking coaching questions or giving suggestions [5 minutes]. 4.Facilitator asks requestor what was most helpful so far [1 min]. 5.Requestor responds and describes the action(s) they will take next, if applicable [1 min]. Tools o Coaching Template, page 1 o Sample Coaching Questions, page 2 o Idea Keeper

31 Milling to the Music Music Plays Go Stand by Top 2 Priority Music Stops

32 Milling to the Music Why did you choose this element as your second priority?

33 Bird’s-eye View Exercise Structure/Format 1.Requestor briefly explains the situation [2 min]. 2.Requestor asks, “How can or should I…?” 3.Peers take turns asking coaching questions or giving suggestions [5 minutes]. 4.Facilitator asks requestor what was most helpful so far [1 min]. 5.Requestor responds and describes the action(s) they will take next, if applicable [1 min]. Tools o Coaching Template, page 1 o Sample Coaching Questions, page 2 o Idea Keeper

34 Bird’s-eye View Exercise Debrief Structure/Format 1.Take a moment to reflect on the feedback you received. 2.Complete supplemental reflection questions, if time permits. Tools o Coaching Debrief Form, page 3 o Idea Keeper

35 Identify concrete next steps you want to take. Identify the support you need to make it happen. Set a timeline for completion (e.g. by when)

36 “Real Talk” Questions?

37 “Real Talk” Andrea Broxton, PCY Thank You!

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