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A presentation to the Outreach and Advocacy Roundtable of the Society of American Archivists By Conor Casey* *Kindly presented by Dana Miller.

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Presentation on theme: "A presentation to the Outreach and Advocacy Roundtable of the Society of American Archivists By Conor Casey* *Kindly presented by Dana Miller."— Presentation transcript:

1 A presentation to the Outreach and Advocacy Roundtable of the Society of American Archivists By Conor Casey* *Kindly presented by Dana Miller

2 Suzzallo/Allen Library, University of Washington

3 Shared Special Collections Reading Room Collections Intermingled

4 Shared Exhibit Space

5  Access  Collection  Outreach ---8 Main Areas of Activity  Education

6  Teaching (Unions, UW students)  Publicity (Public, Potential Researchers and Donors, Campus Community)  Tours (Library/History/Labor Groups, Potential Donors)  Social Networking Sites (Donors, users, supporters)  Exhibitions (Campus and labor community, potential donors, potential users)  Events (Unions, Donors, Public, Potential Users)  Digital Portal Highlighting Labor Collections  Marketing (Internal and external audiences of potential users and donors)

7  Presentations to unions  Classes to university students  Presentations to history organizations  Workshops for labor bodies  Volunteers, service learning students, library school interns

8  3 radio interviews, 2 podcast interviews, at least 19 print and online articles on project, several listserv posts and mentions  Many LAWS projects are aimed at generating publicity for donations and attracting new users

9  Main audience: Donors, researchers, and fellow librarians/archivists

10  Facebook pages  Please “Like” and Add Us!  Labor Archives of Washington State: ▪ 137 “Likes”  Friends of the Labor Archives of Washington State: ▪ 119 friends, most close supporters  Archivist Conor Casey profile: ▪ 402 friends  Twitter presence (LaborArchivesWA@Twitter)  Future: Podcast user subscription model

11  UW Student Activists and Farmworkers’ Movement Exhibit, April–July 2011

12  Presentations to unions  Workshops for labor bodies at conventions  Presentations at conferences  Speeches to meetings of Pierce County, and King County Central Labor Councils; Washington State Labor Council Convention  Speeches to ILWU Joint Area Council, ILWU Local 23 and 19 Pensioner’s events  Bridges Center Annual Dinner


14  Highlighting Labor Collections

15  Promoting value of labor collections to local library audiences  Informing potential scholars of scope of collections  Promoting LAWS in archives, history communities

16  Promoting labor collections within UW Special Collections  Advocating the value of labor collections at other repositories

17  Please send any comments, suggestions, or feedback to  Please visit our website at ws ws  Don’t forget to “Like” and “Friend” us on Facebook and “Follow” us on Twitter!

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