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Time Domain Astrophysics in South Africa 2 Astero-seismology.

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Presentation on theme: "Time Domain Astrophysics in South Africa 2 Astero-seismology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Time Domain Astrophysics in South Africa 2 Astero-seismology

2 Monitoring Time variations in intrinsic variables in order to infer their properties such as mass, luminosity, rotation rate, internal composition

3 Seismic Waves trapped in Stars Stars pulsate according to y=A n ( r ) Y lm (theta, phi) exp(-omega t) Where n l m describe a mode A good start to astero-seismology is in determining these for as many modes as possible

4 Probing a star with seismic waves

5 Asteroseismology Research in South Africa Observational Studies include - mode identification using photometry alone (determines l) - mode identification using Baade-Wesselink methods (combination) - mode-identification by observing line profile variations On roAp stars, delta Scuti, sdB stars, beta Cepheid etc

6 Search for new Pulsating stars Rapidly Oscillating Ap stars (SAAO) 5 min < P puls <16 min

7 Frequency Spectrum dipole(-like) like nothing you have ever seen new, improved mode strange doublet

8 Pulsating sdB stars hot Horizontal Branch stars with temperatures of about 30,000 K Periods 2 -3 minutes

9 Observational Facilities Photo-electric photometers CCDs (also have frame-transfer) Giraffe spectrograph {R = 39000, wavelength 3820 - 9240 angstrom, V < 9} SALT ?

10 Theory Non-linear theory (SAAO) Radiative Transfer and Oscillations in A stars (UCT/SAAO)

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