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IR: Changing Attitudes and Values Unit 3 Lesson 7 Chapter 9.3 Big Idea: The I.R. changed social order in the western world, and new ideas challenging long-

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1 IR: Changing Attitudes and Values Unit 3 Lesson 7 Chapter 9.3 Big Idea: The I.R. changed social order in the western world, and new ideas challenging long- held traditions.

2 Objectives  Review changes to cities  Closely read a passage on the change in values and apply its concepts into a skit  Review/discuss the changes in vaules

3 Warm Up  What was life like in the cities?  Improvements?  Anesthesia & antiseptics in hospitals  Urban renewal  Sidewalks, sewers, skyscrapers  Mutual-aid societies  Better S.O.L.

4 A New Social Order  Spread of industry= complex social structure  Upper Class: Industrial/business families & old nobility  Top jobs in govt & military  Middle Class: Midlevel business ppl &professionals-doctors, scientist, lawyers  Lower Middle Class: teachers, office workers, shopkeepers, and clerks  Lowers class: workers and peasants

5 Activity  You will divided into groups  You need to read your assigned section (~5-10minutes)  Then create a skit or write a story about your topic (~20minutes)  Share with the class

6 Middle Class Values  Large house; tasteful clothing; children “seen but not hear”  Men court the bride  Marriage contracts to protect women property rights  Men- work in office or shop  Women- raise children, direct servants, religious or charitable service  Cult of domesticity

7 Rights of Women  Temperance movement  USA- Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B. Anthony Women’s Rights  Women’s suffrage  Seneca Falls (1848)

8 Growth of Public Education  Taught 3 Rs  Reading, writing, and ‘rthmetic  Public edu  Rural areas- not during season  Expand secondary schools  Increase colleges and Uni  Women’s colleges

9 New Directions in Science  Atomic Theory- John Dalton  Different atoms combine  Dmitri Mendeleyev* atomic table  Principles of Geology- Charles Lyell  Earth formed over millions of years  Origins of life on earth  Neanderthals

10 Darwin Challenge  On Origins of the Species  Evolution  Natural selection  “survival of the fittest”  Social Darwinism  Applied to economics  Encouraged racism

11 Closure  How did attitudes and values change during the late 1800s?

12 Religion in Urban Age  Religious centers place of refugee  Leaders were influential  Social gospel- urged Christians to social service  Salvation Army

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