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Poseidon Kyler Powe.

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1 Poseidon Kyler Powe

2 God of…? Poseidon is known as the god of seas, earthquakes, floods, and horses. He is distinguished from “Pontus, the personification of the sea and the oldest Greek divinity of the waters.” (“Poseidon”)

3 Birth of Poseidon Is the son of the titan Cronus and the fertility goddess, Rhea. At birth he was swallowed by his father Cronus along with his other 5 siblings.

4 Association Commonly associated with the trident, dolphins, and the tuna. His image is “frequently portrayed by him riding his golden chariot pulled by hippocampi” along with his wife Amphitrite. (Cartwright)

5 Offspring “Poseidon’s wife was the Nereid Amphitrite and his son was Triton.” (Cartwright) Other offspring include—”Theseus, Polyphemus, Orion, Pegasus, and Charybdis”. (Cartwright)

6 The Odyssey In the Odyssey Poseidon is positioned as one of Odysseus’ enemies. Due to Odysseus blinding his son Polyphemus, Poseidon avenges his son by keeping Odysseus at sea for 2o years.

7 Bibliography “Poseidon.” Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica Inc., Web. 02 Dec Cartwright, Mark. “Poseidon.” Ancient History Encyclopedia. n.p., Web. 02 Dec

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