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Explaining Schizophrenia.   This explanation of schizophrenia is closely linked to the psychodynamic explanation – childhood experiences/issues are.

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Presentation on theme: "Explaining Schizophrenia.   This explanation of schizophrenia is closely linked to the psychodynamic explanation – childhood experiences/issues are."— Presentation transcript:

1 Explaining Schizophrenia

2   This explanation of schizophrenia is closely linked to the psychodynamic explanation – childhood experiences/issues are extremely important and may contribute to the onset of disorders.  More specifically, the communication and body language used by other family members can contribute to the onset and maintenance of schizophrenia The family explanation

3   What family issues in, for example, communication and body language, could contribute to schizophrenia? Family issues

4   Use the information sheet to: -Outline the two different family issues explanations which could contribute to schizophrenia. -Outline the research that supports these explanations -Identify the issues with the above research - Evaluate the explanation as a whole EXTENSION – Cut and stick task on the 4 explanations of schizophrenia we have covered Your Task

5   A schizophrenogenic has actions that are often contradictory – verbally accepting yet behaviourally rejecting.  This can set up faulty communication between both mother and child and can lead to the onset of schizophrenia. Schizophrenogenic Mother

6   ‘Double-bind’ communication is witnessed in the schizophrenogenic mother.  Double-bind communication is contradictory communication. For example, a mother will ask for a hug and then pull away – the child is placed in a ‘no win’ scenario.  The child cannot avoid displeasing the parent, thus can become confused and suspicious – this can contribute to the onset of schizophrenia. Double-Bind Hypothesis

7   Bateson (1956) reports clinical evidence  (interviews, observations) illustrating use of double bind communication by parents of schizophrenia patients BUT… What problems could there be with this research?  Issues of researcher (confirmatory) bias  Problems with direction of causality Research support

8   Berger (1965) used a retrospective method.  He gave out a questionnaire containing 30 double bind statements and asked the participants to rate them on a 4 point scale in terms of how frequently they recalled their mothers using these type of statements.  Berger found that the schizophrenics consistently reported a higher incidence of these statements than one of the comparison groups (healthy college students).  However he found that the schizophrenics’ scores were not significantly higher than the other comparison groups who also had psychiatric and medical conditions. WHAT ARE THE PROBLEMS WITH THIS RESEARCH??? Research support

9   Expressed Emotion (EE) refers to hostility, criticalness and concern in the family environment after someone has been diagnosed.  It therefore examines the maintenance of schizophrenia as opposed to the onset. Expressed Emotion

10   Brown et al (1966) examined progression of schizophrenia when patients were discharged from hospital and lived with their families.  Families were interviewed and either rated as high EE or low EE (based on factors such as number of critical remarks etc...)  58% of patients who returned to high EE families relapsed (re-hospitalised), compared to only 10% of those who returned to low EE families. WHAT ARE THE PROBLEMS WITH THIS RESEARCH? Research Support

11   The confusion from these contradictory messages could lead to self doubt and withdrawal – but is this enough to lead to schizophrenia?  How could the Diathesis Stress model explain Schizophrenia using this family issues theory? Diathesis Stress and Schizophrenia

12   Problems with research – as mentioned earlier  Problems with causality – chicken and egg scenario  Ethical issues – blaming family/parents  Successful treatment – what is this likely to entail if the family are the main cause of schizophrenia? Evaluation

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