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Make it a Great Day! Thursday December 17 th 2015 Warm-up: Please take out your study guide in your Geography Notebook that you created on Monday & Tuesday.

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Presentation on theme: "Make it a Great Day! Thursday December 17 th 2015 Warm-up: Please take out your study guide in your Geography Notebook that you created on Monday & Tuesday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Make it a Great Day! Thursday December 17 th 2015 Warm-up: Please take out your study guide in your Geography Notebook that you created on Monday & Tuesday.

2 Make it a Great Day 4/5 & 6/7 Block! Thursday December 17 th 2015 Agenda: Warm Up & Attendance Finals Week Questions? S.L.O. Exam – 20% of your semester grade! Learning Target: Learning Target: I can understand the significant physical and human geographic features of the world. This means I can participate by preparing for and performing well on the S.L.O. exam by reading questions and possible answers carefully, then choosing the best answer and reviewing all of my answers before turning it in. SSWG 1-9 Materials you will need: Writing Utensil - #2 pencil ONLY S.L.O. World Geography exam

3 Make it a Great Day! Thursday December 17 th 2015 Cool Down: On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the most, how ready are you for mid- terms, finals, and S.L.O.s? What can you do to improve your score?

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