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Heart. Heart valve replacement surgery.

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1 Heart





6 Heart valve replacement surgery


8 cardiovascular system Transportation of oxygen, nutrients, cell wastes, hormones = body homeostasis heart, blood vessels = organs Heart provides the force to move blood

9 The Heart Approx. size of closed fist Surrounded laterally by lungs Lies between sternum and vertebral column (CPR) Rests on diaphragm Middle left of thoracic cavity Apex points downward left




13 Atria = receiving chambers; Ventricles = pumps blood out. Blood flows from body  atria  ventricles  to body (2 circuits) chambers

14 chambers of heart 2 atria 2 ventricles

15 Right atrium –Receives blood from superior and inferior vena cava –Blood passes through a valve to get to right ventricle The valve is connected by chordae tendinae and then to papillary muscles

16 Right ventricle –Interventricular septum separates ventricles –Blood goes through a valve into the pulmonary trunk which splits into right and left pulmonary arteries

17 Left atrium –Receives blood from lungs through 4 pulmonary veins –Blood flows through a valve into left ventricle Valve has Chordae tendinae anchored by papillary muscles

18 Left ventricle –Blood passes through a valve into aorta –Muscular wall MUCH thicker because it has to pump the same amount of blood a FARTHER distance

19 Summary questions Where is the tricuspid valve? What are chordae tendinae? Which blood vessels deliver blood to right atrium? Which blood vessels deliver blood to left atrium? What is the relationship between wall thickness and function of the left ventricle?

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