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University Orientation Tosspon – Meeting 2 Agenda Expectations SMART goals Planners “ Goals are dreams with deadlines.” Diana Scharf Hunt.

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Presentation on theme: "University Orientation Tosspon – Meeting 2 Agenda Expectations SMART goals Planners “ Goals are dreams with deadlines.” Diana Scharf Hunt."— Presentation transcript:

1 University Orientation Tosspon – Meeting 2 Agenda Expectations SMART goals Planners “ Goals are dreams with deadlines.” Diana Scharf Hunt

2 Review: Syllabus & Day 1 Review game: Relay Race –Your team will fill out 1 sheet for the whole team. You may use any resource you were given last class. –Answer 1 question at a time and bring it up for Mrs. T to check. If you are WRONG you will be sent back to your group to fix the answer. If correct, you will be allowed to move to the next question –First team done with all questions wins.

3 Class Expectations: Groups What does a U.S. professor mean when they say “work in groups”? What should a student DO? –Write your answer on whiteboard The BEST students –Lead: ask the first ? –Take notes –Get responses from every group mate –Respond to Instructor

4 Why is it important to have a plan? If you don’t know where you’re going, you can never get there.

5 What are your goals? Write down 5 goals: what do you want to achieve in the future? –Write some personal (like: I want to lose 15 lbs) if you want, but include some academic goals (I want a BA in Art) as well

6 Goals Reinforce One Another LONG-TERM Goals - intended to be attained over a long period of time (years, not months) SHORT-TERM Goals – narrow focus, short period of time (weeks and months) Short-term goals help you reach long-term goals. Prioritizing your goals helps you analyze what’s most important. This helps you to FOCUS ENERGY, PAY ATTENTION to the most important thing first, and MAKE WISE CHOICES. Take a moment and prioritize: which goals will you work on this term?

7 SMART Goals Visit each station to complete SMART goals. Discuss with your classmates. Write on your own worksheet. –Specific /Strategic –Measurable –Achievable/Attainable –Relevant –Time-Bound

8 SMART Goals Worksheet Complete at least 2 goals

9 Your planner How to use it –Write class times, assignments, exams –Write events, responsibilities, appointments When to use it –Each morning & evening –Any time an event is planned (a meeting, appointment, etc)

10 Planner Check After today this will be in your folder in the box Every Tuesday, your planner will be evaluated. Total points possible: 15 per day with 10 points for reflection (100 term total)

11 Homework SMART Goals worksheet Planner – get one, write in it! Binder – Get one, put your syllabus in!

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