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Archives/References for SPS Faraday Cage Timing Vito Baggiolini AB/CO after discussions with M. Arruat, J.-C. Bau, R. Billen, A. Butterworth, F. Follin,

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Presentation on theme: "Archives/References for SPS Faraday Cage Timing Vito Baggiolini AB/CO after discussions with M. Arruat, J.-C. Bau, R. Billen, A. Butterworth, F. Follin,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Archives/References for SPS Faraday Cage Timing Vito Baggiolini AB/CO after discussions with M. Arruat, J.-C. Bau, R. Billen, A. Butterworth, F. Follin, B. Frammery, E. Hatziangeli, JJ Gras, M. Lamont, J. Lewis, L. Mestre, V. Paris, E. Roux, J. Wenninger

2 TC 17-Nov-05 2 Vito Baggiolini AB/CO Outline Introduction Requirements –For Timing of SPS Faraday Cage –For general Archive/References in non-LSA machines Recommended solution Other solutions considered

3 TC 17-Nov-05 3 Vito Baggiolini AB/CO Background The SPS Faraday Cage will use new (PS-style) timing –New LTIM timing modules (FESA) –250 LTIM instances SPS controls are being migrated to LSA –mostly controlled by LSA already in 2006 Broader context: –New Console Manager does not yet have archives + references –Archiving of timings for SPS Faraday solves a similar need

4 TC 17-Nov-05 4 Vito Baggiolini AB/CO What are Archives/References Archive = Snapshot –Snapshot of a part or entire machine –Used to save and restore good settings –Many snapshots can be saved Reference = presently requested settings –Used to see whether an active setting is “at reference” –Monitored values are compared with references –Only one set of references exist Archives and References are related concepts –Maybe References are just a special Archive(?), at least at the DB level

5 TC 17-Nov-05 5 Vito Baggiolini AB/CO Explanation of LSA System Devices Trim Editor (Super)Cycle Generation Beam Steering Optics Viewer LSA GUIs … TrimGeneration HW drivingSettings Mgt Optics(Super)Cycles LSA middle tier server Steering LSA DataBase Client API

6 TC 17-Nov-05 6 Vito Baggiolini AB/CO Outline Introduction Requirements –For Timing of SPS Faraday Cage –For general Archive/References in non-LSA machines Recommended solution Other solutions considered

7 TC 17-Nov-05 7 Vito Baggiolini AB/CO Requirements of Timing Crew “Same functionality as archives and references provided by X/Motif PS console manager” Requirements for operational usage –WorkingSets/Knobs to supervise and adjust timing parameters –Archives to save a snapshot of all timing devices for later restore –Possibility to compare values in equipment with archive values –PPM copy  copy archive from one user to another –Reliable persistence in FESA Requirements for initial configuration of timing devices –JC Bau gets list of timing settings as Excel sheet –He needs to download them into devices and save them as archive Currently, J.-C. Bau uses the Passerelle to download initial configuration to equipments, then copy to archive.

8 TC 17-Nov-05 8 Vito Baggiolini AB/CO PS-Style Archiving in X/Motif Passerelle Excel Sheet 1 st set-up Devices WS/Knobs Modifications by OP Archival / Restore Directory Service DataBase Archive Application Config

9 TC 17-Nov-05 9 Vito Baggiolini AB/CO Requirements from SPS people SPS-OP –Jorg W. and Mike L. would like to put all settings into LSA sooner or later –Paul C. advocates a solution for SPS that helps bringing SPS under LSA control –SPS people are willing to accept WorkingSets/Knobs… … but they don’t find them user friendly to change many timings –SPS responsibles want to forbid write access to equipment via Passerelle (in particular everything to do with Interlocks!) SPS-RF –Andy B. says that WorkingSets/Knobs are acceptable –With current RF timing application archives can be edited off-line

10 TC 17-Nov-05 10 Vito Baggiolini AB/CO Broader context: Archiving/References for non-LSA machines New Console Manager (responsible: Veronique) –Needs a solution for references/archives –X/Motif console manager stores these values in Directory Service –There must be a backward compatibility between X/Motif console manager and new console manager OP should not be forced to upgrade to new CMGR Same archives/references required from X/Motif and new CMGR CO/DM point of view –The Directory Service should not contain operational settings such as archives/references –DM is willing to provide scripts to convert data from old to new (and back if necessary) –Ronny and Chris actively participate in LSA DB design

11 TC 17-Nov-05 11 Vito Baggiolini AB/CO Outline Introduction Requirements –For Timing of SPS Faraday Cage –For general Archive/References in non-LSA machines Recommended solution Other solutions considered

12 TC 17-Nov-05 12 Vito Baggiolini AB/CO Recall: Archiving as of today Devices WS/Knobs Passerelle Directory Service DataBase Excel Sheet Archive Application 1 st set-up Modifications by OP Archival / Restore Config

13 TC 17-Nov-05 13 Vito Baggiolini AB/CO Recall: LSA System TrimGeneration HW drivingSettings Mgt Optics(Super)Cycles Devices LSA middle tier Server Trim Editor (Super)Cycle Generation Beam Steering Optics Viewer Steering LSA GUIs LSA DataBase Devices

14 TC 17-Nov-05 14 Vito Baggiolini AB/CO Proposed solution for Start-up 2006 Settings Mgt Settings DataBase Middle-tier server based on LSA approach and code Devices WS/Knobs Passerelle Excel Sheet Archive GUI 1 st set-up Modifications by OP Directory Service Archival / Restore Config Archive/Refs Legend: New development

15 TC 17-Nov-05 15 Vito Baggiolini AB/CO More Details GUIs like current PS –Java WorkingSets/Knobs to display references and archives –Archiving GUI to browse archives and to save and restore archives Archive/Reference middle-tier server –Based on small part of LSA technology –Data stored in LSA format –Not a full LSA control system Configuration of Archives as X/Motif (CO Directory Service) –Working Set  group of devices that compose an archive –Knobs + Device Class descriptions  properties to be saved Data synchronization functionality needed –Scripts to copy reference/archives from old tables (directory svc) to new tables (LSA-format) and back

16 TC 17-Nov-05 16 Vito Baggiolini AB/CO How to avoid Passerelle in SPS Settings Mgt Settings DataBase Devices WS/Knobs Archive GUI Excel Sheet 1 st set-up Modifications by OP Middle-tier server based on LSA technology Directory Service Archival / Restore Config Archive/Refs

17 TC 17-Nov-05 17 Vito Baggiolini AB/CO Analysis with Regard to Requirements PS-Style GUIs –Good for timing and PS-OP –Acceptable for SPS-OP and SPS-RF LSA-style storage  easier future integration with LSA –Good for SPS-OP (easier migration towards full LSA control) –Good for CO/DM (separates configuration data from operational settings) Simple server based on LSA approach, not full LSA system –Good for CO + LSA team (more time for more urgent LSA work) –Good for CO + PS: can be generalized to all non-LSA machines (PS complex) Possibility to avoid Passerelle with Excel  DB link –Good for SPS –Should be acceptable for Timing crew

18 TC 17-Nov-05 18 Vito Baggiolini AB/CO Work responsibilities (to be confirmed) Archiving GUI  CO/AP Archiving layer inside Middle Tier  CO/AP Database design for archives  CO/DM Excel  DB link  CO/DM? Scripts to copy archive data from old tables in Directory Svc to LSA tables  CO/DM Configuration of WS/Knobs in directory service  CO/HT PPM Copy  CO/FC FESA persistence  CO/FC

19 TC 17-Nov-05 19 Vito Baggiolini AB/CO Outline Introduction Requirements –For Timing of SPS Faraday Cage –For general Archive/References in non-LSA machines Recommended solution Other solutions considered

20 TC 17-Nov-05 20 Vito Baggiolini AB/CO Same as X/Motif but in Java Devices WS/Knobs Passerelle Directory Service DataBase Excel Sheet Archive Application 1 st set-up Modifications by OP Archival / Restore Config

21 TC 17-Nov-05 21 Vito Baggiolini AB/CO Assessment Instant backward compatibility for X/Motif and new console mgr  Still operational settings in Directory Service  Not sure to work for FESA devices  Not oriented towards future (LSA) Recommendation: discard

22 TC 17-Nov-05 22 Vito Baggiolini AB/CO All archives in LSA (including Timing) TrimGeneration HW drivingSettings Optics(Super)Cycles Devices Trim Editor Steering LSA DataBase Archive GUI Archive/Refs Directory Service Config Excel Sheet 1 st set-up WS/Knobs Read- Only

23 TC 17-Nov-05 23 Vito Baggiolini AB/CO Assessment Makes SPS-OP happy In-line with migrating SPS to LSA  Cannot be used as archive/reference for new Console Manager  Does not correspond to current working habits of timing section  More work than proposed solution Recommendation: –Solution to be pursued later for SPS –Other LSA work is more urgent

24 TC 17-Nov-05 24 Vito Baggiolini AB/CO Hybrid: full LSA + WorkingSets/Knobs Devices WS/Knobs Archive Application Excel Sheet 1 st set-up Modifications by OP Directory Service Archival / Restore Config LSA DataBase TrimGeneration HW drivingSettings Optics(Super)Cycles SteeringArchive/Refs Devices

25 TC 17-Nov-05 25 Vito Baggiolini AB/CO Assessment Assessment based on LEIR experience –Non-trivial mapping between LSA settings (SuperCycles, Cycles, BeamProcesses) and timing (users) –We’ve found a solution for LEIR which needs to be generalized  Premature  More complex  Bad compromise for SPS (Won’t make anyone happy)  Cannot be used as archive/reference for new Console Manager Recommendation: –Study how new (PS-style) timing and LSA settings can be seamlessly combined for all SuperCycle/Cycle configurations –To be pursued by LSA team…

26 TC 17-Nov-05 26 Vito Baggiolini AB/CO Conclusions Recommendation for now: PS-Style GUIs with simple archive/ reference server using small part of LSA code and DB tables –Best compromise for SPS Faraday Cage in 2006 –Can be used for generalized archive/reference solution for console manager In medium term, all SPS should be in LSA –Archives and References in LSA –Requirements of timing crew have to be further analyzed –More thoughts and experience are needed A hybrid solution will make nobody in SPS happy

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