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European Commission – Eurostat D-6 OECD Meeting of SHA Experts 2004 – Gunter Brückner – 19/03/2016 – Slide: 1 Eurostat activities in the area of Health.

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Presentation on theme: "European Commission – Eurostat D-6 OECD Meeting of SHA Experts 2004 – Gunter Brückner – 19/03/2016 – Slide: 1 Eurostat activities in the area of Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Commission – Eurostat D-6 OECD Meeting of SHA Experts 2004 – Gunter Brückner – 19/03/2016 – Slide: 1 Eurostat activities in the area of Health Accounting

2 European Commission – Eurostat D-6 OECD Meeting of SHA Experts 2004 – Gunter Brückner – 19/03/2016 – Slide: 2 What we do…  In 2005, Eurostat will start to collect routine data on health expenditures.  Eurostat will only accept health expenditure data compliant to the SHA framework. Countries are invited to provide data from 2000 onward.  Eurostat has been supporting MS to implement SHA since 2000. This will continue.  Eurostat will make all health care statistics SHA compliant continuously in the years to come.

3 European Commission – Eurostat D-6 OECD Meeting of SHA Experts 2004 – Gunter Brückner – 19/03/2016 – Slide: 3 What we know so far…  The information needs at EU level are constantly growing, due to initiatives from the Commission and from the Council.  Providing health care statistics in a consistent way, yielding non-contradictory data, cannot be easily accomplished in MS.  MS may approve efforts for mapping national data into comparable international ones, using common strategies.

4 European Commission – Eurostat D-6 OECD Meeting of SHA Experts 2004 – Gunter Brückner – 19/03/2016 – Slide: 4 … what we learnt recently…  Eurostat sponsors a project on “Developing a minimum data set (MDS) for SHA data.”  This project analyzes the known information needs, the suggested indicator sets, and the built-in links between different SHA variables.  The MDS final report should state:  which variables to include at which granularity,  which structures/concepts to use for data transfer,  which tools to use for guaranteeing data consistency.

5 European Commission – Eurostat D-6 OECD Meeting of SHA Experts 2004 – Gunter Brückner – 19/03/2016 – Slide: 5 … and what this may lead to  Recently, the contractor discussed with country representatives first ideas on a SHA-MDS.  Participants agreed in principle that such a MDS was needed.  Before further decisions can be taken, the project report must provide a complete analysis.  Eurostat will then negotiate with the MS, how an agreed SHA-MDS can be implemented, and in which way IT can be integrated in a useful way.

6 European Commission – Eurostat D-6 OECD Meeting of SHA Experts 2004 – Gunter Brückner – 19/03/2016 – Slide: 6 Summary  SHA is a too complex subject with too many nested variables as that the data collection could forever be organized via Excel tables.  So far, first ideas for a better strategy have been presented. No decisions have been taken yet.  More work is needed before MS can evaluate.  All activities aim at supporting MS. Implementing requires consent. We keep you all updated and will invite you to comment before EU decides.

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