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15 July, 2003 PMRIL Autotuning Interventional Coils for Imaging Ross Venook 1, Garry Gold 2, Bob Hu 3 & Greig Scott 1 1.Department of Electrical Engineering,

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Presentation on theme: "15 July, 2003 PMRIL Autotuning Interventional Coils for Imaging Ross Venook 1, Garry Gold 2, Bob Hu 3 & Greig Scott 1 1.Department of Electrical Engineering,"— Presentation transcript:

1 15 July, 2003 PMRIL Autotuning Interventional Coils for Imaging Ross Venook 1, Garry Gold 2, Bob Hu 3 & Greig Scott 1 1.Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University 2.Department of Radiology, Stanford University 3.Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Palo Alto, CA

2 15 July, 2003 PMRIL Motivation for Flexible Coils Small coil within an area of interest vs. exterior surface coil gives higher SNR, better resolution Catheter-based RF coils Examples –Interarticular –Intravascular –Transrectal

3 15 July, 2003 PMRIL Technical Consequences of Flexible Coils: Motivation for Automatic Tuning Changing the shape or size of an RF loop changes its resonant frequency –Coil is an inductor with a tuning capacitor SNR depends on coil tuning (matching) Manual tuning is time consuming and difficult 1cm 2cm

4 15 July, 2003 PMRIL Preamplifier Noise Factor (F) is a function of the source impedance it sees: –Noise matching occurs when Z COIL = Z OPT Coax losses degrade SNR with power mismatch –Especially important in interventional applications due to need for small-diameter (lossier) coax SNR Analysis: How does SNR depend on Tuning/Matching?

5 15 July, 2003 PMRIL Varactor-tunable RF Coil DC Tuning Bias Signal Flex Coil Varactor To Preamp

6 15 July, 2003 PMRIL Tuning Voltage vs. Resonant Frequency Resonant Frequency [MHz] Varactor Reverse Bias [V]

7 15 July, 2003 PMRIL Autotuning System Use λ/2 cable to measure coil Z remotely Tune for resonance (zero imaginary part) –Vary varactor voltage with micro-controller Frequency Synthesizer Micro- Controller Phase Detector Scanner Pre-amp Tune/Receive Switch Varactor Tuning Voltage RF Coil λ/2

8 15 July, 2003 PMRIL Detuned Retuned Tuned Tuning to Larmor Frequency Frequency (MHz) Resistance (Ω) 61626364656667 10 20 30 40 50 60

9 15 July, 2003 PMRIL Experimental Setup Varactor-tuned Coil Phantom Autotuning Electronics λ/2 cable GE Signa 1.5 T Status LEDs

10 15 July, 2003 PMRIL Experiment #1 Varactor-tuned Coil Passively-tuned Coil Images have same SNR +/-2% SPGR, 12cm 2, 256x256,7.2/34ms=TE/TR,30º

11 15 July, 2003 PMRIL Experiment #2: Tune-Detune-Retune AutotuneDetune (deform coil)Re-autotune 1cm 2cm

12 15 July, 2003 PMRIL Experiment #2: Windowed Up Tune-Detune-Retune AutotuneDetune (deform coil)Re-autotune

13 15 July, 2003 PMRIL SNR Profiles Noise Box Image Sample SNR

14 15 July, 2003 PMRIL Typical Result SNR AutotuneDetune (deform coil)Re-autotune

15 15 July, 2003 PMRIL Quantitative Comparison Low-loss coax 2.2 MHz detuning –Theory predicts 40% SNR loss –We measure 30% SNR loss Lossy vs. less-lossy, small-diameter coax +/- 2 MHz detuning –Theory predicts 15-20% additional SNR degradation –We measure 10-15% additional SNR degradation 0.5mm 0.8mm

16 15 July, 2003 PMRIL Future Work Clinical –Scan cadaver shoulders, compare with surface coils Practical –0.5T/21MHz version –Test speed limits New directions –Automatic matching

17 15 July, 2003 PMRIL Acknowledgements GE Medical Systems NIH R33 EB 00777 NIH R01 EB 00346 NIH 5R24CA092862-03 Whitaker Foundation

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