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1 DAP 03 03 The Dial-a-Prayer Strategy Click to start.

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2 1 DAP 03 03 The Dial-a-Prayer Strategy Click to start

3 2 WHAT IS THE DIAL-A-PRAYER MINISTRY STRATEGY? Christ’s method alone will give true success in meeting the people. He mingled with them as one who desired their good. He sympathised with them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, ‘Follow Me.’ Ministry of Healing, 143

4 3 WHAT IS THE DIAL-A-PRAYER MINISTRY STRATEGY? Social Friendship Ministered Spiritual

5 4 WHAT IS THE DIAL-A-PRAYER MINISTRY STRATEGY? 1.We Mix: Let people know Dial-a-Prayer is available – advertise. 2.We Listen / Sympathise: Prayer Supporters phone those who make a request, and pray with and for them. 3.We get Practical: Prayer supporters refer, send, give, invite. 4.We Appeal: Prayer friends are invited to a Prayer Seminar or Prayer small group.

6 5 WHAT IS THE DIAL-A-PRAYER MINISTRY STRATEGY? Designed to lead callers to: 1. Know God as their Personal friend 2. Learn to pray to Him personally


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