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Homeostasis Ben Grant Mia. The great differences and diversity of the world we in habit. Planet earth is full of life from big to small from warm blooded.

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Presentation on theme: "Homeostasis Ben Grant Mia. The great differences and diversity of the world we in habit. Planet earth is full of life from big to small from warm blooded."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homeostasis Ben Grant Mia

2 The great differences and diversity of the world we in habit. Planet earth is full of life from big to small from warm blooded mammals to plants to cold blooded reptiles. Every thing in this huge and complex environment of our planet are all made of cells which are all composed of roughly the same parts. It is easy to forget in our modern metropolises that all life is not so different from us.

3 First of all what is homeostasis?

4 Good question! Homeostasis is the regulation of a system that makes it maintain a stable internal environment. Living things use homeostasis from single celled organisms to entire large organisms. We need systems to maintain our internal environments such as, body temperature, water content, food intake and many more absolutely necessary systems. Basically homeostasis is just an organisms internal environment, & how it’s maintained. There for, there are different parts of homeostasis, like the pH in an organism. pH is the acidic level in something. The pH scale ranges from zero (very acidic), to 14 (very basic), and 7 is the medeator

5 But how do so many cells work in harmony to fuel the organism that they ultimately complete? The answer to this question is surprisingly simple! Each and every cell whether it is a brain cell or a cell in the small intestine are all programmed for their certain job. This means that all cells know exactly what they are doing and that with the help of other cells of their kind they can complete jobs necessary to the organism.

6 But what about single celled organisms? Although one may think that a single celled organism has less going on in its inner workings but that is not true. Just like every other living thing single celled organisms must create and maintain their own homeostasis to have a safe and productive interior environment to live in. yes single celled organisms do maintain their homeostasis just like us but they have other ways of doing it. Ways that they do this are by growing, responding to their environments, transforming energy for their needs, and reproducing.

7 Single cell domination! Alright well maybe not domination, but in terms of numbers single celled organisms account for much more life than us humans or any type of animal. Single cellular organisms include both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Prokaryotes are bacteria and are very adaptive. They can live almost anywhere because of their relatively simple systems to maintain. They can live from places desolate like the desert to environmentally rich places such as oceans or even inside of you! Many Eukaryotes live single cellular organisms as well although not nearly as adaptive as Prokaryotes. Many fungus are single cellular to such as yeast, which is very helpful to other organisms.

8 That’s great and all but what about multi cellular organisms? The cells of multi cellular organisms all have to work together and communicate to maintain homeostasis and their ideal and necessary internal environments. Each cell has a specific job to maintain and together when all of the cells work together in harmony they can create and maintain necessities for the organism that they create Whether it’s a single celled bacteria or a multi cellular kitten cells and cell cooperation play a very important role in every life!

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