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Higher Human Biology Unit 3a Chapter 14b The Brain.

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1 Higher Human Biology Unit 3a Chapter 14b The Brain

2  The answers to any questions we have from pre- reading  Structures in the brain, to include:  Central core  Limbic system  Hypothalamus What are we learning today?

3  The central core  The limbic system  Cerebral cortex What are the three layers of the brain?

4 Medulla Controls heart and breathing rate, sleep and arousal (awake and aware) Cerebellum Controls balance and muscular co-ordination - posture Name two areas found in the central core

5 Projects deep into cerebral cortex Processes info for long term memory Regulates emotional states (anxiety, fear, aggression) Influences biological motivation (hunger, thirst, sex drive) List three functions of the limbic system

6 1.Connected to pituitary gland - links nervous system to endocrine system 2.Regulates automatic contraction and relaxation of smooth muscle 3.Brings about control of body temperature 4.Osmoregulation Name four functions of hypothalamus

7 Pituitary gland produces many hormones Hypothalamus produces releaser hormone Releaser hormone transported to pituitary gland where it stimulates the release of many hormones Growth hormone Thyroid stimulating hormone Gonadotrophic hormones Hypothalamus and pituitary gland

8 Axons of neurons in hypothalamus extend into cerebral core They link hypothalamus to sympathetic and parasympathetic areas of brain Hypothalamus therefore plays role in involuntary muscle responses E.g. vasodilation/vasoconstriction Hypothalamus and contraction/relaxation of smooth muscle

9 Hypothalamus and temperature control

10 Hypothalamus has osmoreceptors that detect water concentration of blood Hypothalamus triggers the release of Anti-diuretic hormone from pituitary gland ADH alters the permeability of tubules in the kidney Hypothalamus and osmoregulation

11 Water content of the blood normal Water content of the blood HIGH Water content of the blood LOW Too much water drunk Too much salt or sweating Brain produces More ADH Urine output LOW Brain produces Less ADH Urine output HIGH High volume of water reabsorbed by kidney Low volume of water reabsorbed by kidney (small volume of Concentrated urine) (large volume of dilute urine)

12 Task  Construct mind map or summary cards as a form of revision for this section

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