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GMES: Recent Developments Arno KASCHL DG Environment March 2011.

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1 GMES: Recent Developments Arno KASCHL DG Environment March 2011

2 GMES – Global Monitoring for Environment & Security

3 GMES: FP7 projects  Operations Earth Observation  Environmental Monitoring (State, Trend, Indicators)  Environmental Reporting Building User Consultation Interface: GMES user forum 3 Messages…

4 GMES Regulation (EU No. 911/2010) has entered into force 9 November 2010!  establishes a Programme, envisaging long-term  gives money for Operations („GMES initial operations“ 2011- 13), on top of research!  Establishes User Forum  Aim is also for an open data policy for Sentinel satellites & where EU is owner This is a game changer, away from R&D, towards operational services & products! Message 1: Move to Operations

5 All jolly well, but how can I profit? Source: BICEPS report, 2004 e.g. land use & biodiversity

6 FP7 projects  MS.Monina, €2 MIO, support at three levels: EU, regional (reporting on network of sites), and local (site management, status reporting)  BIO_SOS, €2.5 MIO, multi-annual monitoring of NATURA 2000 sites and their surroundings GMES initial operations: €26 MIO in land monitoring  Continental (CORINE + highresolution layers on soil sealing, forests, waterbodies, wetlands, grasslands), €17 MIO  „Zooming in“ (VHR): €3+3 MIO  urban atlas, biodiversity Data access 2011-13: up to €96 MIO Warehouse concept: opening up access to public authorities, researchers, includes VHR (1-4m) GMES actions in relation to biodiversity

7 300+ larger urban zones, CORINE classes  Repeat of 2009 exercise in 2012 „Zooming on hotspot areas“ Ca. 50x50 km Based on multispectral VHR 2.5m satellite data MMU = 0.25ha Positional Accurarcy: 5m €3 MIO Some relevant products… „Zooming in“: Urban Atlas

8 In analogy to urban atlas, planned action on special areas biodiversity (2013) monitoring of Natura2000 and state of network: Examine loss, deterioration, fragmentation, pressures on habitats, Link to concept of Green Infrastructure Trends / basis for future policy (dynamic, not one-shot) Areas to be representative, allow benchmarking, enable conclusions to be drawn at European level Possible thematic focus on wetland/fluvial and coastal areas, as priority interest and technically feasible Exploit complementarities with existing initiatives (LUCAS, research projects …..) More development work needs to be done in the course of 2011…

9 In the past, GMES mostly technology-driven…  Challenges are now to  To reach out better to user communities in MS,  To „penetrate organisations“,  Build regular exchange of views with the users, to set priorities and provide feedback on GMES 'products‘ (“fit for purpose”) User Forum body in Regulation is on representative basis will need to rely on extensive consultation structures at two levels: European and national.  A European process: ENV to „exploit“ existing groups, thematic facilitators such as ENV, EEA (plus EIONET) to help consultation process with particular communities  At national level, better networking between the different communities is essential, e.g. to GMES coordinators, User Forum representative...  User Support Measures Message 3: User Involvement in GMES

10 9 March 2011: User Forum Preparatory Workshop First official User Forum 18 May 2011 (representative basis) Currently awareness raising and encouraging linking In the future, collective voice in existing committees/expert groups to provide feedback (e.g. reporting needs) Homework for you: GET INVOLVED! Make your needs known! Either directly to ENV ( Or to GMES User Forum representative in your country User Forum Land


12 GMES can help… European policy maker needs better information for  Design and development of policy, e.g. providing data on land use changes, long-term trends, indicators  Review of effectiveness of policy, check compliance, assessments of impacts – have changes happened? Member States have to implement acquis  policy, support, where wanted, Member States monitoring obligations, e.g. Directives on Air Quality, Habitats, Marine Strategy, Water, Floods etc. Public wants to be informed e.g. air quality, oil /chem spills, nuclear event Also..  Synergies between use of space and non-space data  Make data openly available, complement other efforts: INSPIRE Directive, Shared Env Info System (SEIS), etc.

13 Horizontal applications Monitoring of the Earth system Land Marine Atmosphere SecurityEmergencyClimate Services provide information products (e.g. maps, datasets, gridded fields, assessment reports, targeted alerts, etc.) >>> 6 GMES Services

14 GMES Initial Operations (G.I.O.): 2011-13 Global component (€4 MIO) will prioritise terrestrial Essential Climate Variables (low resolution at repeated intervals) Continental component (€17 MIO) includes - Corine 2012 (change mapping at 5ha) - 5 pan-European Layers (1ha) - Imperviousness (Sealing density, [Built-up change]) - Forests (crown cover density, forest types, [forest/non-forest], [forest changes] - Water Bodies (small water bodies, [changes]) - Grasslands (agricultural intensity, [grassland dynamics]) - Wetlands (RAMSAR verification, [pressure indicators]) EEA will be the technical coordinator, ITTs, grants to MS for validation

15 Tender 2009 (€2 MIO) in support of land monitoring/emergency services: (1)Digital Elevation Model over Europe: 38 countries, 1 arcsec horizontal resolution, average 5 m vertical resolution, freely accessible! (2) Hydrographic layer: homogeneous European wide coverage of a hydrographical network that is fully connected, geometrical accuracy consistent with the resolution scale (1:100.000 to 1:250.000 range) based on ECRINS, and CCM (JRC), basins from 5 -500 km2 (100 km2 on average), incorporated lakes and dams enables considerable improvement of spatial modelling for Community environmental policies  MS reporting under WFD directive in WISE  A step towards integration of various existing datasets and convergence to single reference at EU level In the future, INSPIRE should enable bottom up approaches Some relevant products… Reference data

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