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How To Run Your Own Club Palmetto Scholars Academy Autumn Turner Mikeclinton Agejo Wil DeVito Charleston, SC Feb. 13, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "How To Run Your Own Club Palmetto Scholars Academy Autumn Turner Mikeclinton Agejo Wil DeVito Charleston, SC Feb. 13, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 How To Run Your Own Club Palmetto Scholars Academy Autumn Turner Mikeclinton Agejo Wil DeVito Charleston, SC Feb. 13, 2016

2 Running a club can...

3 Give you leadership experience Help you become a planner Allow you to meet interesting people Help you have a voice in the school and community

4 Allow you to serve others Build character Bring exposure to real world situations

5 Traditional Clubs National Honor Society Student Council DECA Beta Club Robotics Odyssey of the Mind Book club Rotary Interact Club Math Club


7 First Steps 1.Ask yourself if you have time to run a club. 2.What void is there in current clubs? 3.Formulate an idea on what you want to do and a name for the club.

8 Next Steps 1.Make sure there is a need for this club and it has a purpose. 2.Ask your friends if they would have an interest in joining (Have at least 10 people). 3.Find a faculty member to advise the club.

9 1.Write a proposal and a few plans you have for the first few meetings. 2.Send this information to your principal or someone in administration for approval. 3.If it gets approved then plan an interest meeting to allow students to see if they want to join. Put It Into Action

10 Quiet Riot’s Actions Proposal and plans:

11 Quiet Riot’s Actions Mission Statement and purpose: Quiet Riot is a club to ensure the understanding of various types of controversy in the United States. In a free environment, members will discuss controversial events within the group. Members of Quiet Riot will improve the social environment at and outside of PSA. We strive to aid individuals in their pursuit to become leaders and have their voices heard in the community.

12 Have a handout with all the information about the club including the description, mission statement, days and times that the club will meet, and the location that the club will meet. Be prepared to answer any questions that people have about the club. Also state rules that you expect all members to follow. Interest Meeting

13 Handout:

14 Welcome your new members and discuss the rules. Establish a method of communication. Decide what rules of procedure will be used if any. Decide if there will be officers or not. Make sure that the environment feels comfortable. First Meeting

15 Welcome Name Game Four corner debate: Children should be able to play violent video games. What age should kids be able to play video games with guns and cursing? Stealing from the rich to give to the poor is okay. Drug tests should be administered at all jobs. What about for students at school? Do you agree or disagree with the death penalty? The ACT/SAT should be required to get into college. Animal testing is a good way to experiment with medicines and diseases without using humans. Religion in public schools? Should we remove God from the pledge? Team mascots that are offensive should be changed to something different (Washington Redskins, Freeburg Community High School Midgets)

16 Helps establish a safe and comfortable environment. Club colors and symbol Club IDs Motto/slogans Club mascot T-shirts or hoodies Accessories

17 Make sure to keep planning your meeting and sticking with the club. Always make sure the group adheres to the mission statement and purpose. If you feel like the club is standing still or moving backwards then collectively reassess some things and make changes. Have fun with the club and make it enjoyable for everyone. Keep Moving Forward

18 Questions, Thoughts?

19 Scenario Come up with a club and follow the steps to get your club approved. Make sure to have a proposal, mission statement, and at least 5 members that want to join. Then plan your first meeting. You will have a few minutes to present and act as if we were in your club. Be creative! You may work in groups or individually.

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