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Chemicals in Organisms Organisms living things made up of cells.

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Presentation on theme: "Chemicals in Organisms Organisms living things made up of cells."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemicals in Organisms Organisms living things made up of cells

2 Chemistry is the science of atoms, molecules, chemicals and how they react with the environment around us.

3 Carbohydrates are chemicals (molecules) that give energy to organisms. Sugar, starch, and cellulose. Give examples of each type

4 Lipids are long term energy storage. Fats. Oils, waxes, phospholipids and steroids are examples These also insulate us from the environmental cold and repel water from organisms Examples

5 Proteins are very large “macromolecules” made up of smaller molecules called amino acids. These make the traits of an organism; hair color, eye color, shoe size, etc. Examples

6 Element (s) a substance that can not be broken down into a smaller structure and that is found in nature

7 Compounds are two or more elements chemically combined Organic compounds have carbon as one of the molecules In-organic molecules do not have carbon in them at all.

8 Atom is the smallest unit of matter (element) Nucleus – center of the atom Neutrons and protons are housed here. Electrons – ride around the nucleus at a very fast speed and these are the parts that interact with the environment (microscope)

9 Isotopes are atoms that have been “played with” and had the number of their neutrons/protons changes Ions are atoms that have lost or gained electrons

10 Chemical bonds are attractions that keep two or more atoms together. ionic bond – between opposite charges and results in a molecule having NO charge. They give up the electron in this bond. covalent bond – between two elements, these share the electrons

11 Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass. Mass is the quantity of matter an object has. Mass and weight are not the same thing. Weight takes gravity into account. An object on the moon would have a different weight than on the earth, but the mass would be the same no matter which planet you were on..

12 Enzymes – proteins catalyst that speeds up reactions (meat tenderizer / saliva) Catalyst – anything that speeds up a reaction

13 Metabolism – all chemical changes in an organism. Homeostasis - an organism wants to be stable internal and at balance with the environment.

14 Solution is a uniform mixture of two or more substances Solvent – what is doing the dissolving Solute – what is being dissolved Salt water, iced tea, cool aide

15 pH is a standard of measuring liquids. This standard tells you how much free hydrogen is in the solution. H + Acid : 0 – 6.999 high concentration of H + Base : 7.1 – 14.00 high concentration of OH - Neutral : 7; water, no free H + or OH -

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