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2013 DVS College Fair College There’s more than USC and UCLA.

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1 2013 DVS College Fair College There’s more than USC and UCLA.

2 The Rundown In advisory groups, you will be creating the booths for and hosting the 2013 DVS College Fair! Joey, Dr. Weatherford, and Mr. P have pre-assigned each advisory two colleges. The colleges are either from Northern California (woo woo Nor. Cal love!), or out of state (wait?!? there are other states? Mind…blown…)

3 The Logistics Each advisory will run their booths for 40 minutes, and then visit other booths for 40 minutes to ensure that we all get a chance to host and visit booths. Students will each be given 3 tokens to take to the fair. During the course of the event, they will “like” a college presentation by giving their token to that college. The advisory who earns the most tokens (by pitching their university the best) will get something AWESOME (free tuition to a university…or an ice cream sandwich).

4 Your Tasks 1. Divide your Advisory into two groups (one for each college you have been assigned). 2. Become the expert on your college so that you can represent it in the college fair. 3. Create the following for your booth at the college fair: A Board with the general college information. A half-page pamphlet with important or fun information about your school.

5 The Info Basic Information City Location Diversity Male to Female Ration # of Undergrads Weather Is there student transportation? Acceptance Data Average GPA Average ACT Average SAT Male to Female Ration # of Undergrads Living Situation Dorms / Housing? Meal Plan? What is the social life like? School Culture People Campus Clubs Religious Groups Community Service Greek Life Campus Traditions Sports Academics What are some of the school’s strong programs? Study Abroad? Student to Faculty Ratio Finances Six –year graduation rate Loan Default Rate Average monthly loan repayment?

6 When? Where? Friday, October 4 th You will have two weeks of Advisory classes to prepare for this! It will be held in the courtyeard in front of Frank, Ms. Kondo, and McGregor’s rooms from 10:00-11:30 like the Club Fair.

7 Yes, you are allowed to be excited.

8 Access to College Fair Material Click on the “DVS College Fair 2013” tab under “more…” on the right hand side of the page.

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