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INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION. PREVIEW Where does it start? When? Why? What are the major factors of production? What is the one product that you feel is the.

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Presentation on theme: "INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION. PREVIEW Where does it start? When? Why? What are the major factors of production? What is the one product that you feel is the."— Presentation transcript:


2 PREVIEW Where does it start? When? Why? What are the major factors of production? What is the one product that you feel is the most important to you? WHY?

3 INVENTIONS According to a recent survey what are the 10 greatest invention of all time? 2pts Extra credit for each one you can get. Homework pass for the group that wins.

4 INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Where does it start? When does it start? Why did it start? Reasons it starts in England 1. Exploration and colonialism (Why is this important?) 2. Sea power (Ability to move goods) 3. Political stability (peace is important WHY?) 4. Government support (pass laws) 5. Private investment (fund better products)

5 FACTORS OF PRODUCTION 1. Land Natural resources including water 2. Labor What is this? Why is this important? 3. Capital What is this? How do these change over time?

6 CHANGE IN F OF P In Britain Land Coal and iron ore Water ways are built Labor Unemployed farmers start to work in factories Capital Cash increases Human talent increases (education) What has happened to the importance of running water over time? Where in the world is the workforce changing? WHY? What is happening in many Asian economies now? WHY?

7 CAUSES OF THE IR 1. Technological advances 2. Economic growth 3. Developed new markets 4. Transportation advances 5. Improved communications 6. Changes in social structure

8 TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES Perfects the Steam engine (James Watt) Replaces watermills and windmills Used to provide coal (mining) Flying shuttle (John Kay) Allowed one person needed instead of four Water frame (Richard Arkwright) Accelerated the production of yarn Crompton’s (Spinning) mule (Samuel Crompton) Combines the two (fs and wf)











19 TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES Cotton Gin (Eli Whitney) Separates seeds from cotton McCormick Reaper (Cyrus McCormick) Replaced hand held sickles Reduced harvest time of a field 20 hrs to 1hr



22 ECONOMIC GROWTH 1. New markets created by colonization 2. Wanted more land for resources Early on Spain Portugal France England



25 TRANSPORTATION ADVANCES Navigable rivers Trails turned into roads Turnpike roads Canals are built Steamships replace sailing ship and horse power Railroads in the 1800’s (1850 could go about 40mph) Use steam increase speed




29 IMPROVED COMMUNICATION Telegraph (1837) Samuel Morse patents electric telegraph Trans-Atlantic cable (1866) Samuel Cunard Transatlantic mail (1839) Gov contract Penny Post (1840)




33 PRODUCTION BEFORE FACTORIES Cottage industry Manufacturing at home Adv Decide your hrs and pace Own boss Disadv Disaster at home ruins business Hard work children couldn’t do

34 CHANGES IN SOCIAL STRUCTURE 1. Major population increase 2. Urbanization Mostly England and Germany What led to urbanization? 1. Factories located near raw materials Need workers 2. Transportation hubs in cities 3. Banks and commerce in cities Particularly London, Paris, Berlin

35 FACTORY LIFE Surplus of workers Why is this a disadvantage for workers? Long hours (12+) Harsh unsafe conditions Why would factories like to hire children? Created a middle class Managers, engineers and skilled workers (mechanics, tool makers)

36 IR PROBLEMS Cottage industry resents Why? Luddites (1811) Riot Poor conditions Lead to labor unions

37 IR IN THE US Individual freedom leads to competition Alexander Hamilton (1791) Said Industrialization would give the US independence Britain tries to keep inventions from the US (WHY?) Samuel Slater (1789) Comes to America Had detailed knowledge of the water frame Builds Slater’s Mill in RI (1793) Father of American Industry

38 US AND THE IR Demand for ships leads to shipbuilding Why an increase in demand? Production of metal wares Mass production Interchangeable parts Assembly line Francis Cabot Lowell (1814) Mechanized textile mill Samuel Colt Fireams


40 IR IN ASIA Japan 1868 Meiji Restoration China, India and Russia Not until the 1900’s How does that affect them?

41 ECONOMIC IDEAS Gov involved or not? Laissez-faire Adam Smith Wealth of Nations Market economy (gov not involved) Thomas Malthus (Theory) Population grow faster than food production Poverty and misery would never go away Justified low wages and little help to the poor Is it the governments responsibility to take care of the poor?

42 ECONOMIC THEORIES IR to blame for poor conditions Robert Owen Society should own property and control industry Socialism Karl Marx Society based on cooperation and equal distribution Communism

43 INDUSTRIALISTS Entrepreneur Someone who starts a new business Andrew Carnegie ($310 billion) Rags to riches Expand the steel industry Cornelius Vanderbilt ($185 billion) Railroads John D Rockefeller ($340 billion)) Oil

44 EFFECTS ON SOCIETY Overall standard of living improves Concept of vacation Concept of a weekend More leisure time Increased immigration to US Increased wars due to competition Women lose status “separate spheres”

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