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Warm Up 10/2/13  What is differential association theory?  Review: If you agree with the norms of a society, but not the way of achieving them, you are.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up 10/2/13  What is differential association theory?  Review: If you agree with the norms of a society, but not the way of achieving them, you are."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up 10/2/13  What is differential association theory?  Review: If you agree with the norms of a society, but not the way of achieving them, you are considered an______  List crimes that you think occur the most often.

2 Chapter 7; Section 5 Crime and Punishment

3 Objective and DOL SWBAT: identify and explain the meaning of crime statistics, especially as related to juvenile delinquency and will describe 4 approaches to crime control. Rank which approaches to crime you think are most effective and justify why you ranked your top choice in 4-6 sentences. ObjectiveDOL

4 Crime Statistics  Activity  Crime- acts committed in violation of the law  More than 2,800 acts classified as fed. Crime  Crime tracked by Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) by the Federal Beaureau of Investigation (FBI).  Tracks 9 types of violent crime Murder Forcible Rape Robbery Aggravated Assault Burglary Larceny-Theft Motor Vehicle Theft Arson Hate Crimes

5 Video  yeL5zo&feature=related yeL5zo&feature=related

6 Critical Thinking  What do you think accounts for the overpopulation in jails?  What could be done about this?

7 Juvenile Crime  Juvenile Crime- crime by those under 18 y.o.  The third largest category of criminals  Dropped 36% from 1994-1999  What would account for this? Decline in demand for crack cocaine Gangs have reached truces Juevenile offenders have been given stiffer sentences

8 4 approaches to crime control  Criminal Justice System: system of institutions and processes responsible for enforcing criminal statutes Primarily use the following 4 Approaches to Crime Control:  Deterrence: discouraging criminal acts by threatening punishment  Retribution: punishment that makes criminals pay compensation for their acts  Incarceration: method of protecting society from criminals by keeping them in prisons  Rehabilitation: process of changing a criminal through socialization.

9 Reading p. 227-231  1. Does the death penalty serve as an effective use of deterrance? Why?  2. What does the book suggest is the main reason people support the death penalty?  3. What is the philosophy behind retribution?  4. What are the two purposes of prisons?  5. What is recidivism?  What is evidence in support of and against it?

10 Death Penalty Debate Friday  Should the United States have the death penalty?  America claims to be the land of unlimited freedoms, yet we have the highest rate of incarceration, and are one of the only industrialized societies to use the death penatly (much to the Human Righ  Assignments for tomorrow  Rubrics for tomorrow

11 DOL  Rank which approaches to crime you think are most effective and justify why you ranked your top choice in 4-6 sentences.

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