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Presented by Mary Barton SATIF CFN 204 Principals’ Conference September 16, 2011.

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1 Presented by Mary Barton SATIF CFN 204 Principals’ Conference September 16, 2011

2  In 2010-11, the QR emphasized multi-year planning to revise professional development, curriculum, instructional and assessment practices so that schools are moving toward meeting the instructional expectations of the Common Core for teachers and students.

3  In 2011-12, the QR rubric and process has been revised to align with the 2011-12 instructional expectations.

4  Specifically, schools undergoing a QR or a Peer Review will need to show evidence that all students are engaged in Common Core aligned tasks in ELA and Math during the year.  Depending on the date of a school’s review, this could involve reviewing the analysis of student work from the fall or previous spring to determine areas of need and curricular gaps, and/or the analysis of Common Core aligned culminating tasks, student work and related curriculum from the winter.

5  The expectation of teacher teams using student work and data to revise and improve their practices will continue, as will the expectation of school leadership using this information to impact their goals and action planning as full implementation of the Common Core in 2014-15 approaches.

6  Reviewers will also ask questions regarding how the evolving expectations of the Common Core are being integrated into the teacher support and supervision system of the school such that teachers are regularly receiving high-quality formative feedback that improves their instructional practice for students.

7 Schools that meet at least one of the following criteria will have a formal Quality Review during the 2011-12 school year:  2010-11 Quality Review of Underdeveloped  2010-11 Progress Report of F, D, or third C in a row (08-09, 09-10, and 10- 11)  Schools in the 10th percentile or below of the Progress Report scores  Schools in their 3rd year of existence (that did not have a formal Quality Review in 2010-11)  Schools identified as Persistently Lowest Achieving (PLA) by New York State Education Department (NYSED)  All schools that have not had a review since 2007-08 (that do not qualify for a Peer Quality Review)  A portion of schools chosen from a lottery, within districts, that have not had a review since 2008-09 (and that do not qualify for a Peer Quality Review); those schools in the lottery that do not receive a review this year will receive one in 2012-13.

8 Most schools that will be reviewed in Fall 2011 have been notified this week with their date. There may be some additional schools based on the results of the 2010-11 Progress Report. The first QRs will begin on Monday October 17 th. Reviews will not take place on December 22 and December 23 rd. Reviews will resume on Thursday January 5 th. Reviews will not take place on February 27/28 and will resume on February 29 th. There will be no QRs on April 16 and 17 th. QRs will be completed by Friday June 1 st. This is subject to change.

9 Developing Quality Reviews (DQR)  Schools that received a Quality Review score of Developing in 2010-11, and do not meet any of the other criteria for a formal Quality Review (e.g. F, D, or third C in a row on the Progress Report), will experience a 1-day review from their network team, called a Developing Quality Review (DQR), in 2011-12, and have a formal Quality Review again in 2012-13. More information about this new process, and related training for principals and network teams, will be coming soon.

10 Peer Quality Reviews (PQR)  Schools that fit the following criteria will have the option of undergoing a Peer Quality Review (PQR) in lieu of a formal Quality Review. PQRs will be scheduled by clusters and network teams and conducted with principals trained and, whenever possible, from within the same network. The results will be shared internally in a PQR report, but not posted on the DOE website or used for accountability purposes.  Schools that opened in 2010-11 have the option of a PQR. If this option is not exercised the school will have a formal Quality Review in 2011-12.  Schools that have not had a review since 2008-09, and have shown sustained gains, maintaining three consecutive years of “A” Progress Report Grades in 08-09, 09-10, and 10-11, have the option of a PQR. If this option is not exercised the school will remain in the 4-year cycle for a formal Quality Review, during either 2011-12 or 2012-13.

11  In SSEF and pre-contact with school, reviewers will need to acquire the research- based rubric used by the school to evaluate the staff.  There is only one version of the classroom visitation tool for the QR and it has been revised to reflect Danielson’s Framework for Teaching.

12 Revisions to integrate the DOE vision. 1.1 and 1.2 give full inclusion of SWD and ELL students and notes CCLS tasks integration. 1.3 articulates frequency of teacher team meetings and notes that outcomes must include “meaningful student work”. 2.1 and 4.1 align with the expectations for feedback to and development of teachers. 4.2 aligns with expectations of preparing rigorous CCLS tasks.

13  4.3 includes CCLS and adds professional development for school leaders.  5.1, 5.2, 5.3 align to include new expectations around CCLS.  3.4 now fully focuses on high expectations throughout the school, and includes “guidance/advisement” supports. (also in 4.4)

14  1.2 includes “questioning”, “participation”, and “discussion” across classrooms.  1.4 includes “attendance”.  2.2c clarifies expectations around ongoing checks for understanding.  2.3 clarifies expectations about a coherent grading policy.

15 3.4 now focuses on communication of high expectations to all schools constituents and that there is accountability for those expectations. 4.1 now focuses on schools leaders providing feedback and next steps for teachers using a frequent cycle of classroom observation and student work/data using a framework articulating clear expectations for teacher practice. In addition, it also looks at a system for managing staff development and making decisions about teachers (i.e. assignments, tenure, retention, professional development).

16  If your school is selected to be reviewed, Diane Foley and members of the CFN team will meet with the Principal to determine the level of support required for the school. This support can include assistance with the SSEF, walkthroughs and guidance in answering questions of the reviewer.

17  If you have further questions on the QR and/or the process, you may contact Mary Barton, SATIF, by email at or at 718-281-7620.

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