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Steps For Growth Goals To increase our emotional intelligence. More specifically, in the areas of self- awareness and self-management To learn patterns.

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3 Steps For Growth

4 Goals To increase our emotional intelligence. More specifically, in the areas of self- awareness and self-management To learn patterns for assessing personal learning with regards to leadership


6 5-Step Method for growth


8 1. Seek Comment The ability to ask for feedback is an important skill-building technique. For many of us, practicing the skill produces a lot of anxiety and apprehension. Feedback is simply an honest, compelling, and helpful critique of a person’s behavior. Who can you ask for the best feedback and comments? What can you ask?


10 2. Reflect Reflection is the process of stepping back from an experience to ponder carefully and persistently its meaning. For many, a favorite way to reflect is to keep a journal. The act of hashing out on paper one’s deepest concerns and thoughts is invaluable. Some choose to exercise or enjoy the outdoors. What methods of reflection do you find valuable? How do you use the time you commit to reflection.


12 3. Study Past Lessons Making mistakes is part of living, and learning from them is important. When we keep making the same mistakes, however, it is helpful to have some method of learning to keep from making them. Keeping a log of lessons learned may prove helpful. It provides the wisdom needed to get through the next experience. What can/do you do to learn from mistakes?


14 4. Picture yourself and laugh It is important to take ourselves seriously, but there is also great benefit in finding the humor in who we are. Here’s an idea: picture absurd actions in the form of cartoon characters. Cut out the characters and hang them in a visible location as a reminder to lighten up. How can you find ways to use and appreciate your humorous side as a leader.


16 5. Give yourself permission to grow Learning is a lifelong process. Be inquisitive and experience learning for the sake of pure fun. Explore. Create. Be curious. Ask questions. Let go of the old and let in the new. Are you holding on to things you need to release? Do you need to create new ideas or ways that are distinctively yours? How do you intentionally learn outside the classroom?


18 Would anyone like to provide an example of what methods you use to seek comments and feedback from others?

19 What methods of reflection do you use?

20 How can we learn from past mistakes?

21 How can you find ways to use your humorous side?

22 What benefit can you see to a routine way of thinking about life’s lessons?


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