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Young Adult Cognitive Development. Is hurting EVER okay?

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Presentation on theme: "Young Adult Cognitive Development. Is hurting EVER okay?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Young Adult Cognitive Development

2 Is hurting EVER okay?

3 Is killing EVER okay?

4 Is sleeping with your neighbor’s wife EVER okay? Are all terrorists bad people?

5 Changes in the Structure of Thought Postformal thought- Perry’s theory –Interviewed at end of each year of college –Younger- Dualistic thinking Dividing information, values, and authority into –Right/wrong, good/bad, we/they –Older- Relativistic thinking-Giving up the possibility of absolute truth in favor of multiple truths, each relative to its context

6 Changes in the Structure of Thought Schaie’s Theory –Acquisitive stage (childhood and adolescence) 1 st 2 decades- knowledge acquisition Concrete-formal operational thought –Achieving stage (early adulthood) People must adapt cognitive skills to situations (such as marriage and employment) that have profound implications for achieving long-term goals. Less focus on acquiring knowledge, more on applying it to everyday life. –Responsibility stage, Re-integrative stage

7 Information Processing: expertise and creativity Expertise: acquisition of extensive knowledge in a field Experts remember and reason more quickly and effectively Approach problems with underlying principles Creative products are not just original, but directed at a social or aesthetic need Movement from problem solving to problem finding  accomplished artists and scientists

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