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Consistency & Fidelity of Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) Transport Estimated by Ocean Data Assimilation (ODA) Products Tong Lee NASA Jet propulsion Laboratory,

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Presentation on theme: "Consistency & Fidelity of Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) Transport Estimated by Ocean Data Assimilation (ODA) Products Tong Lee NASA Jet propulsion Laboratory,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Consistency & Fidelity of Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) Transport Estimated by Ocean Data Assimilation (ODA) Products Tong Lee NASA Jet propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology

2 ODA products used for the intercomparison SystemModel and resolution Assimilation method Data assimilatedPeriod 1CERFACS, France OPA8.1-ORCA2 2°x(0.5°- 2°), 31 levels 3D-VAR SST, T & S profiles from EU’s EN3 Project (XBT, CDT, Argo, TOGA-TAO) 1960-2006 2 ECCO-GODAE – v3 (MIT-AER), USA MITOGCM, 1°x1°, 23 levels Adjoint Altimetry; scatterometry; tide gauges; gravity; SST, SSS; T & S profiles from XBT, CTD, Argo, TAO & other buoys, elephant seals (SeaOS); Florida Current; RAPID moorings 1992-2007 3ECCO-JPL, USA MITOGCM, 1°x(0.3°-1°), 46 levels Kalman filter and RTS smoother Altimetry, T profiles from XBT/CDT, Argo, TAO and other buoys 1993-2009 4ECCO-SIO MITOGCM, 1°x1°, 23 levels Adjoint Altimetry; scatterometry; tide gauges; geoid; SST, SSS; T & S profiles from XBT, CTD, Argo, TAO & other buoys 1993-2001 5ECCO2 MITOGCM, 18 km (cubed-sphere grid), 50 levels Green’s functions Altimetry; T & S profiles from XBT, CTD, Argo, in-situ sea ice concentration 1992-2007 6 ECMWF ORAS3, EU HOPE, 1°x(0.3°-1°), 29 levels 3-D OI with online bias correction Altimeter (sea level anomalies and global trends), SST, T & S from XBT, CTD, Argo, TAO 1959-2009 7G-ECCO, Germany MITOGCM, 1°x1°, 23 levels AdjointAltimetry; scatterometry; tide gauges; geoid; SST, SSS; T & S profiles from XBT, CTD, Argo, TAO & other buoys 1952-2001 Many thanks to the following groups for contributing ITF transport estimates

3 ODA products used for intercomparison (cont’d) 8GFDL, USA MOM3, 0.5°x(1/3°- 0.5°), 31 levels 3D-VAR? SST, T profiles from XBT, CTD, ARGO, TAO & S profiles from CTD, Argo 1960-2005 9INGV, Italy MOM, 0.5°x(1/3°- 0.5°), 31 levels OI T profiles from XBT, CTD, ARGO, TAO & S profiles from CTD, Argo 1957-2007 10K-7, Japan MOM3, 1°x1°, 36 levels Adjoint Altimetry, SST, T from XBT, CTD, Argo, TAO 1987-2004 11 MERCATOR-2, France OPA8.1-ORCA2, 2°x(0.5°-2°), 31 levels SEEK filter Altimetry, SST, T & S profiles from EU’s EN3 Project (XBT, CDT, Argo, TOGA-TAO) 1993-2008 12 MERCATOR-3, France OPA8.1-ORCA2, 2°x(0.5°-2°), 31 levels 3D-VAR Altimetry, SST, T & S profiles from EU’s EN3 Project (XBT, CDT, Argo, TOGA-TAO) 1960-2005 13MOVE-G, Japan MRI.COM, 1°x(0.3°- 1°), 50 levels 3D-VAR Altimetry, SST, T & S from XBT, CTD, Argo, TAO 1992-2009 14SODA, USAPOP, 0.25°x0.4°, 40 levels OIAltimetry, Satellite and in-situ SST, T & S profiles from MBT, XBT, CTD, Argo and other float data, TAO and other buoys 1958-2007

4 Estimate from INSTANT (2004-06): 15 Sv (± 25%) 1993-2001 mean (a) & variability (b) of ITF volume transport Negative means from Pacific to Indian Ocean. 1 Sv = 10 6 m 3 /s Averaged spread of anomalies among different products = 1.7 Sv “Signal-to-noise ratio” > 1

5 Seasonal (a) & non-seasonal (b) anomalies of ITF transport ECCO2 INSTANT Color curves represent other ODA products that have lower resolutions ( 0.4° to 2°). The better agreement between ECCO2 & INSTANT is attributed to the higher resolution of ECCO2 model on a C- grid, which allows a better representation of flows through narrow channels (esp. deep signals from the IO, e.g., semi-annual waves) ECCO2 has a dominant semi-annual signal (like INSTANT). Other ODA products have dominant annual cycle

6 Impact of resolution on the deep ITF signals: ECCO-JPL (1°x0.3°) & ECCO2 (18 km) similar in upper layer but not at depth

7 Non-seasonal ITF transport anomaly referenced to the common 1993-2001 seasonal cycle Similar interannual variations: stronger (weaker) ITF during La Nina (El Nino)

8 Five-year low-pass ITF transport anomaly (color curves) and their ensemble average (black curve) Decadal signals of 10-15 year periods. A consistent strengthening during 1992-2000: consistent with observed wind and SSH. No substantial weakening associated with the 1976 “climate shift”: Wainwright et al. (2008) reported a 2.5-Sv reduction based on an analysis of IX1 XBT data (Fremantle – Sunda Strait).

9 Ensemble mean ITF transport has 10-15 yr “cycle”; anti- correlated with SOI, not-so-good correlation with PDO index

10 Stronger trade cause SSH pile-up in the west near equator Off-equatorial curl enhance SSH rise in the west Decadal changes of ITF since the 1990s are consistent with observed wind & SSH ERS scatterometers T/P altimeter Lee & McPhaden (2008)

11 Given interannual-decadal changes, how well does a 3-year average (like INSTANT) represent longer-term mean? 3-year low-pass ITF transport anomalies & ensemble average Centered time of INSTANT estimate

12 Summary of ITF transport comparison among ODA products Time mean: 13.6±3.2 Sv (‘93-’01), consistent with INSTANT estimate of 15 Sv (‘04-’06). Seasonal variations: ECCO2 (18 km resolution) has a dominant semi-annual signal like INSTANT.  All other ODA products (0.25°-2°) show a dominant annual signal.  Resolution is crucial to resolving deep signals (e.g., the semi-annual signal from the Indian Ocean). Interannual & decadal variations: Stronger (weaker) ITF during La Nina (El Nino). Decadal signal of 10-15 year period, strongest during 1992-2000 associated with strengthening Pacific trade wind & higher western Pacific SSH.  No substantial weakening associated with the 1976 “climate shift”. A 3-year average (i.e., period of the INSTANT Program) would vary by a few Sv due to interannual & decadal variations. Need sustained measurements of the ITF.!

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