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Organs and Organ Systems: Circulation Unit #6. What is Circulation? The movement of material in a definite pattern.

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Presentation on theme: "Organs and Organ Systems: Circulation Unit #6. What is Circulation? The movement of material in a definite pattern."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organs and Organ Systems: Circulation Unit #6

2 What is Circulation? The movement of material in a definite pattern.

3 Human Circulatory System “Closed” System The movement of the blood from the heart through the body and back to the heart again. Makes a continuous loop

4 Problems with being multicellular Transport needed materials O 2, food, H 2 O Transport waste materials CO 2, H 2 O Transport disease fighting cells and materials

5 How it works!!! Inner Tube Push Here Bulge Here

6 Now add a one-way valve!!! Push Here One-Way Valve Bulge Here

7 Basic Circulation Needs 1. CHANGES IN PRESSURE2. ONE-WAY VALVES

8 Human Heart Size and Location size of your fist Located in the upper chest cavity between the lungs Slanted slightly to the left

9 Chambers of the human heart Atrium Two of them Located at top of heart Smaller chamber Receives blood Ventricle Two of them Located at bottom of heart Larger muscular chamber Pushes blood out

10 Pulmonary Circulation (lungs) Superior and Inferior Vena Cava Right Atrium Tricuspid Valve Right Ventricle Semi-Lunar Valve Pulmonary Artery LUNGS  blood needs to pick O 2 and get rid of CO 2 This blood is DEOXYGENATED – has delivered O 2 to the cells

11 Systemic Circulation (body cells) Pulmonary Veins Left Atrium Bicuspid Valve Left Ventricle Semi-Lunar Valve Aorta CELLS This blood is OXYGENATED – picked up O 2 up in the lungs

12 Anatomy of Heart Coloring Pages Color By Letter Pages You Pick Colors EXCEPT: Oxygen Poor – Blue Oxygen Rich - Red

13 MEASUREMENTS OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 3. Heart murmurs. B. PULSE Pulse is caused by the regular stretching and relaxing of the arteries when the blood spurts through them. 2. Each time the heart pushes blood out the blood spurts into the arteries. 3. The pulse can be felt wherever the arteries are close to the skin. 4. Pulse points are: wrist, temples, armpits, ankles, inside thigh, neck. 5. PULSE RATE = HEARTBEAT RATE C. BLOOD PRESSURE As the heart beats, the blood surges against the artery walls. A measure of this force is called blood pressure. Blood pressure is not a constant pressure. The pressure is great when the ventricles are pushes on the blood; thepressure is less when the ventricles are relaxed. 3. NORMAL BLOOD PRESSURE = 115/80 4. HYPERTENSION - high blood pressure

14 HEARTBEAT Heartbeat is the "lub-DUB" sound made by the closing of the valves of the heart. lub - closing of tricuspid and bicuspid valves. DUB - closing of the semilunar valves. ONE BEAT = ONE lub-DUP

15 Things that make the heart beat faster activity, caffeine, smaller body size, less physically fit, etc...

16 Things that make the heart beat slower Heartbeat is slower if: less activity, larger body size, better physical fitness.

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