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Goal: By the end of this lesson you should understand how social media are taking away your privacy rights.

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1 Goal: By the end of this lesson you should understand how social media are taking away your privacy rights.


3 People have the right to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, effects, against unreasonable searches and seizes. Ie- Can not read others mail, go through personal property (journals/bills) E-mail (Patriot Act) GPS Google Earth

4 Facebook shares personal information with developers of games and quizzes Facebook KEEPS personal information indefinitely after a user deletes their account (Contrary to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act) Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act PIPEDA specifies how private sector organizations may collect, use or disclose personal information in the course of commercial activities. Under the act, under most circumstances: Personal information must be collected for a specific purpose and cannot be used for other purposes. The information cannot be collected unless the person that the information belongs to has been informed and has provided consent. The information can only be kept for a specified amount of time, and must be destroyed when it is no longer needed to fulfill its original purpose.

5 Facebook doesn't have enough safeguards to prevent 950,000 third-party developers around the world from getting unauthorized access to users' personal information, nor does it ensure users have given "meaningful consent" to allow their personal information to be disclosed to the developers. Recommendation: Developers should only get the information needed to run the application. Users would have to specifically consent to the release of that information after being told why it is needed. Information about anyone other than the user would not be disclosed. Facebook keeps information from accounts deactivated by users indefinitely. Recommendation: Facebook should have a policy to delete the information after a reasonable length of time, and users should be informed of the policy. Facebook keeps the profiles of deceased users for "memorial purposes" but does not make this clear. Recommendation: Information about use for memorial purposes should be in Facebook's privacy policy. Facebook allows users to provide personal information about non-users without their consent. For example, it allows them to tag photos and videos of non-users with their names, and provide Facebook with their email addresses to invite them to join the site. It keeps the addresses indefinitely. Recommendation: Facebook should only keep non-users’ email addresses for a reasonable, specific length of time and should make its users aware that they need to seek consent of non-users before posting information about them.

6 Content – We create it, and it’s not protected…. ANYWHERE

7 Austrian Student: Max SchremsMax Schrems 2011 Europe Vs. Facebook Under the EU privacy laws, any person can request all the information that Facebook has about you Facebook must hand over the info within 40 days He received 1 222 pages of status updates, comments, photos, likes, pokes etc. Goal- For FB to abide by stricter European Standards regarding privacy laws.

8 What commercial uses can social media be used for? Advertising Viral Marketing Product services/Reviews

9 The age of Privacy is Over. If he were to create Facebook again, user info would default to public (2010) Finally 2011, created 2 new officers to work with privacy groups, governments, and regulators. Dec. 2012- Zuckerberg’s sister mis-understood privacy settings and had a family photo leaked

10 1) You have to look through your search history and flag all the sites that you may use to sign in with Facebook. Ex? 2)Facebook Account Deletion Page

11 You are about to permanently delete your account? Are you sure? Then you have to wait… and wait… and wait…. 14 days to be exact. But remember all those other sites and applications ? If you use these during the 14 day period than… voila ! Welcome back to facebook.

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