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By Charlotte. This power point is about the Solar System. It will include Pluto as well as all the other planets. I will have some fascinating facts about.

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Presentation on theme: "By Charlotte. This power point is about the Solar System. It will include Pluto as well as all the other planets. I will have some fascinating facts about."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Charlotte

2 This power point is about the Solar System. It will include Pluto as well as all the other planets. I will have some fascinating facts about each of the planets. Here is a picture of our Solar System

3 Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system. Mercury is brown. Radius: 2,440KM Mass:328.5E21kg (0.055 Earth mass) Distance from the sun:57,910,000 km Mercury

4 Venus is the hottest planet in our Solar System. Venus is a really light brown colour. Venus

5 Earth Earth is the only planet which has some green and some blue. Did you know that the Earth was once believed to be the centre of the Universe?

6 Mars Mars is a red colour. Do you know that Mars is named the red planet. Did you know man has never landed on Mars?

7 Jupiter Jupiter is the largest planet in our Solar System. Jupiter is orange, yellow and brown in colour.

8 Saturn Saturn is a yellow, blue and purple colour with yellow. Did you know that Saturn is a gas giant.

9 Uranus Did you know that in ancient times Uranus was not known. Uranus is the colour light blue.

10 Neptun e Did you know that Neptune can not be seen without a very large telescope. Neptune is the colour dark blue.

11 Pluto Did you know that Pluto is a dwarf planet. Pluto is the colour dark red.

12  1. Which is the biggest planet?  2. Which is the furthest planet from the sun?  3. Which 2 planets are nearest to the sun?  4. Which is the dwarf planet?  5. Has man ever landed on Mars?

13  1. Jupiter  2. Pluto  3. Mercury and Venus  4. Pluto  5. No

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