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Published byMaud Reed Modified over 9 years ago
08/07/2007 Nodal COMS Extracts & Reports Update SDAWG Jackie Ashbaugh ERCOT
2 08/07/2007 Agenda Review Action Items from 7/12 meeting Nodal Extract Themes Settlements Calendar Dispute Extracts/Reports Operating Day DAM and RTM Bill Determinants Market Requirements Next Steps – no slide Questions APPENDIX: Review Extracts, Reports & Web Services APPENDIX: List of Invoices & Statements All information contained in this presentation is as of 08/07/2007 and is subject to change at anytime.
3 08/07/2007 Action Items from 7/12 meeting Review DDL for Settlements Calendar; discuss frequency Compare and Review the requirements for Dispute Extracts and Reports, along with the requirements of SCR 743 Decide on a name for the combined Operating Day Extract that includes Load, Gen and S&B data for RTM Provide an XML example Provide an example of a combined header and interval record Provide an example of the Operating Day extract (combined Load, Gen and S&B) DDL Any ad-hoc data requests that need to be considered –NOIE data request example provided for RID data; currently supported by Resource ID Extract and 867_03 EPS Meter transactions –Client Data Reports Request to have a flexible output option for the Operating Day extract
4 08/07/2007 Settlement Calendar [Settlements – NP 9.1.2 (1)] Public posting on and MIS Publish as an extract, including incrementals and initial options Include calendar dates through end of each year DDL to include: –Operating Day - needed –DAM Settlement Run Date – not needed –Posting Date DAM Settlement Statements –Posting Date DAM Re-settlement Statements –Date DAM Invoices shall be posted –Date DAM Late Fee Invoice shall be posted –DAM Payment due dates –DAM Payment Process –DAM Dispute date deadline –RTM Initial Settlement Run Date –Date RTM Initial Settlement Statements shall be posted –RTM Initial Dispute date deadline –RTM Final Settlement Run Date –Date RTM Final Settlement Statements shall be posted –RTM Final Dispute date deadline –Date RTM True-Up Re-settlement Run Date –Date RTM True-Up Re-settlement Statements shall be posted –RTM True-Up Re-settlement Dispute date deadline –Date RTM Invoices shall be posted –Date RTM Late Fee Invoice shall be posted –RTM Payment due dates –RTM Payment Process –Should we include: Channel Dispute Date deadline – divide into MP Dispute submission deadline and ERCOT dispute resolution?
5 08/07/2007 Comparison of Dispute Extract/Report and SCR 743
6 08/07/2007 Market Requirements Requested requirements to be applied to the Load, Generation and Settlements & Billing Extracts –Post a single file for each approved operating day for data, therefore multiple file postings in a day –Order of file postings of operating days is irrelevant –Create a separate extract for base tables (Public Data Extract) that will include an ‘Initial’ to provide the full record set and a ‘Daily’ for the incremental changes Include Secure (Public) RTM Settlements Bill Determinants in this extract, or do we include in the daily Operating Day extract (public and private data)? –File naming convention to include DAM/RTM, the operating day, settlement run type (Initial, Final, True-Up, Resettlement) and channel –XML vs. CSV file format Request for XML files and style sheets If CSV files - Provide interval data both vertically and horizontally –Request to have an RTM/DAM indicator in the bill determinant name – no longer needed due to mapping in Settlements calendar –Review header fields to remove ‘not used’ columns
7 08/07/2007 Market Requirements Continue providing Default Profile ESIID, Load Counts and Load Volumes reports with Nodal implementation; to be included in COPS Market Guide in data aggregation section Request to format all extracts/reports that are used in the shadow settlements process in the same DDL Change Loss Factor reports into extract with DDL – per meeting 8/7 no longer necessary –Today uses TDSP name; change to DUNSNUMBERs Can UFE Reports be merged in with anything? Public Data Extract? Losses? – still a question for ERCOT Distinguish between Forecasted and Actual data sets; forecasted not used in settlement; actual needed for shadow settlement – not necessary because the MODE would include the actual losses as used in settlements
8 08/07/2007 Phase II - Market Requirements -Interface to choose columns for private extracts -Provide interval data option for horizontal or vertical output for interval data in SCR 727 ESIID Service History & Usage extract and Resource ID extract; reports?
9 08/07/2007 Questions?
10 08/07/2007 Nodal Extract ThemesREVIEW I.Although the DDL for some extracts will not change from Zonal to Nodal, it is highly recommended that Nodal data be loaded in a separate schema/database as it applies to a new market. II.The location of Nodal extracts will differ from Zonal extracts as well as some of the file naming conventions. III.The information contained in retail, registration & load profiling focused extracts will remain the same in content, while data aggregation and settlements extracts will change significantly. IV.Zonal and Nodal extracts will post concurrently for a minimum of 6 months (until zonal market true-up settlements are complete) after Nodal go-live. Nodal extracts will only be available on MIS.
11 08/07/2007 What does “change” mean?REVIEW “Change” when referring to Nodal extracts can refer to: –A change in the DDL structure –A change in the naming convention of the extract file –A change in the location of the extract –A change in the backend structure of ERCOT’s databases –A change in the data content of the extract –A change in the timing of the posting requirement –A change in the date range of information contained in the extract –Etc…
12 08/07/2007 Extracts (with DDL) REVIEW 997 Report [Retail] – no change; post to TML and MIS certified Potential Load Loss [Retail] – no change; post to TML and MIS certified Siebel Service Order Extract (SSOE) [Retail] – no change; opt-in extract; post to TML and MIS certified TDSP ESI ID Extract [Retail – P 15.2] – no change; post to, TML and MIS Public Reference Data Extract [Retail] – no change; contains a daily re-baseline of the public data for SCR 727 ESIID Service History & Usage Extract; post to TML and MIS certified Real Time Market (RTM) Operating Day Extract [Gen Data Agg - P, NP 12.3(c), Load Data Agg - P 11.1.8, NP 12.3(c), RTM Settlements - NP 12.3(c)] – changes; includes inputs and outputs for operating day settlement; opt-in extract; Zonal posts to TML and Nodal posts to MIS certified Resource ID Extract [Data Agg - P 11.1.10 (5)] – changes due to backend structure; one combined version for Zonal/Nodal; opt-in extract; post to TML and MIS certified ESI ID Service History & Usage (SCR727) [Retail - P 11.3.1] – changes due to backend structure; one combined version for Zonal/Nodal; post to TML and MIS certified Day Ahead Market (DAM) Settlements & Billing [Settlements - NP 12.3(c)] – new extract; post to MIS certified Public Data Extract [Settlements - NP 12.3(c)] – new extract; initial to re-baseline the public data for Operating Day Extracts; daily for the incremental changes to the public data for Operating Day Extracts; post to MIS certified
13 08/07/2007 Reports & Web Services REVIEW 867 Received on Cancelled Service Orders (RCSO) Report [Retail] – no change; post to TML and MIS certified 867_03 Error Report (867_03 Activity Report) [Retail - NP 10.12.3(a)] – no change; post to FTP Find ESIID/Find Transaction (WS) [Retail - P 15.2] – no change; service on TML Mapping Status Reject Report [Retail] – no change; post to TML and MIS certified MIMO Exceptions [Retail] – no change; post to TML and MIS certified Missing 867 Report [Retail] – no change; post to TML and MIS certified Pending Cancel with Exception Report [Retail] – no change; post to TML and MIS certified Actual Distribution Loss Factor [Data Agg - P 13.1.1] – changes to backend structures; Different Zonal and Nodal versions; post to TML, MIS public, and Actual Transmission Loss Factor [Data Agg - P 13.1.1] – changes to backend structures; Different Zonal and Nodal versions; post to TML, MIS public, and
14 08/07/2007 Reports & Web Services REVIEW Charge Type Matrix [Settlements - NP 9.15.1] – changes to backend structures and content; Different Zonal and Nodal versions; post to TML, MIS public, and Data Aggregation Daily Postings (UFE Reports) [Data Agg - NP 12.3 (c)] -changes to backend structures; Different Zonal and Nodal versions; post to TML, MIS public, and Forecasted Distribution Loss Factor [Data Agg - P 13.1.1] – changes to backend structures; Different Zonal and Nodal versions; post to TML, MIS public, and Forecasted Transmission Loss Factor [Data Agg - P 13.1.1] – changes to backend structures; Different Zonal and Nodal versions; post to TML, MIS public, and WS and NWS IDR Proxy Dates [Data Agg - P] – changes to backend structures; Different Zonal and Nodal versions; post to TML, MIS public, and Market Data Transparency (SCR740) [Retail - P 11.3.1] – changes to backend structures; combined version Zonal/Nodal; service on TML and MIS certified RMR Reports [Settlements - NP 3.14.1 (i)] – changes to backend data structures, data content of report, file naming convention; different Zonal and Nodal versions; post to and MIS IDR Protocol Compliance Verification [Data Agg - NP 9.5.8 (1)] – changes to backend data structures; combined Zonal/Nodal versions; post to, TML and MIS Weather Responsiveness Change [Data Agg - P] – changes to backend data structures; combined Zonal/Nodal versions; post to TML and MIS certified
15 08/07/2007 Reports & Web Services REVIEW Missing Consumption Report [Retail - NP] – changes to backend data structures; combined or different Zonal/Nodal versions TBD; post to TML and MIS certified IDR Requirement [Retail - P 18.6.2] – changes to backend data structures; combined Zonal/Nodal version; post to TML and MIS certified Backcasted Profiles [Load Profiling - P 18.3.3] – changes to backend data structures; combined Zonal/Nodal versions; post to TML, MIS public, and Forecasted Load Profiles [Load Profiling - P 18.3.3] – changes to backend data structures; combined Zonal/Nodal versions; post to TML, MIS public, and Bill Determinant List [Data Agg - NP 9.17.1] – changes to backend data structures; contains the 4-CP for each DSP, the average 4-CP and the average 4-CP for each DSP as applicable; combined Zonal/Nodal versions; post to MIS public, and Default Profile ESI ID [Data Agg - COPMG] – changes to backend data structures; different versions Zonal and Nodal; post to TML and MIS certified Load Estimation Counts [Data Agg - COPMG] – changes to backend data structures; combined or different Zonal/Nodal versions TBD; public post to, TML and MIS public; private post to TML and MIS Load Estimation Volume [Data Agg - COPMG] – changes to backend data structures; combined or different Zonal/Nodal versions TBD; public post to, TML and MIS public; private post to TML and MIS
16 08/07/2007 Nodal Invoices & Statements REVIEW Note: The Nodal Invoices & Statements slides are to present the list of invoices and statements that ERCOT is required by Protocols to publish to MIS for the market. The detailed requirements for these will be discussed with the market forums by the ERCOT Settlements team. CARD Invoice [Settlements - NP 9.10 (5)] –Monthly invoice for distribution of CRR Auction Revenues. –Contains net amount due/payable, time period, run date, invoice reference number, payment date, account number, bank name, electronic transfer instructions. CRR Auction Award Invoices [Settlements - NP 9.8 (1) & (3)] –Invoice for CRRs bought and sold in each CRR Auction –Must be issued on first business day following auction by 24:00. –Contains net amount due/payable, time period, run date, invoice reference number, product description, payment date, account number, bank name, electronic transfer instructions. CRR Balancing Invoice [Settlements - NP 9.12 (4)] –Monthly invoices to refund CRR Owners with a shortfall charge and to refund the surplus in the CRR Balancing Account to QSEs representing LSEs. –Contains net amount due/payable, time period, run date, invoice reference number, product description, payment date
17 08/07/2007 Nodal Invoices & Statements REVIEW Day Ahead Market (DAM) Invoice [Settlements - NP 9.3 (2)] –An invoice produced for each DAM Statement and each DAM Resettlement Statement. –Issued second business day after the operating day. –Contains net amount due/payable, time period, run date, invoice reference number, product description, payment date, account number, bank name, electronic transfer instructions, overdue terms. Day Ahead Market (DAM) Late Fee Invoice [NP 9.4.5 (3) & (4)] –A monthly invoice produced for each short-paying DAM Invoice Recipient. –Contains net amount due/payable, time period, run date, invoice reference number, product description, payment date, account number, bank name, electronic transfer instructions, overdue terms. Day Ahead Market (DAM) Resettlement Statement [NP 9.2.2 (1)] –A settlement statement that corrects a DAM Statement. –Contains operating day, statement recipient’s name, ERCOT identifier (settlement ID), status of the settlement, statement version number, unique statement identification code and charge types settled (must be in 1-hour settlement intervals). –Must include a summary page Day Ahead Market (DAM) Short Pay Invoice Plan [NP 9.4.3(f)] –The short-pay plan, the payment schedule, and the invoice date to which the payments will be applied.
18 08/07/2007 Nodal Invoices & Statements REVIEW Day Ahead Market (DAM) Statement [NP 9.2.2 (1)] –A settlement statement that shows a breakdown of Charge Types incurred in the DAM. –Contains operating day, statement recipient’s name, ERCOT identifier (settlement ID), status of the settlement, statement version number, unique statement identification code and charge types settled (must be in 1-hour settlement intervals). –Must include a summary page Miscellaneous Settlement Invoice [NP ???] –Invoice due to circumstances not detailed in the Nodal Protocols where the invoice need does not fit into a defined invoice. For example, this invoice may be necessary as the result of an ADR settlement Real Time Market (RTM) Final Statement [NP 9.5.2 (1) & 9.5.5] –A settlement statement that shows a breakdown of Charge Types incurred in the RTM, including any administrative and miscellaneous charges applicable to the RTM. –Contains operating day, statement recipient’s name, ERCOT identifier (settlement ID), status of the settlement, statement version number, unique statement identification code and charge types settled (must be in 15 minute or 1-hour settlement intervals). –Must include a summary page
19 08/07/2007 Nodal Invoices & Statements REVIEW Real Time Market (RTM) Initial Statement [NP 9.5.2 (1) & 9.5.4] –A settlement statement that shows a breakdown of Charge Types incurred in the RTM, including any administrative and miscellaneous charges applicable to the RTM. –Contains operating day, statement recipient’s name, ERCOT identifier (settlement ID), status of the settlement, statement version number, unique statement identification code and charge types settled (must be in 15 minute or 1-hour settlement intervals). –Must include a summary page Real Time Market (RTM) Invoice [NP 9.6 (3)] –An Invoice based on RTM Initial Statements, RTM Final Statements, RTM True-Up Statements, and RTM Resettlement Statements posted within the Invoice Cycle. –Items must be grouped Initial, Finanl Resettlement and True-Up categories and sorted by operating day within each category. –Contains net amount due/payable, time period, run date, invoice reference number, product description, payment date, account number, bank name, electronic transfer instructions, overdue terms. Real Time Market (RTM) Late Fee Invoice [NP 9.7.5 (3) & (4)] –A monthly invoice produced for each short-paying RTM Invoice and RTM Uplift Invoice Recipient. –Contains net amount due/payable, time period, run date, invoice reference number, product description, payment date, account number, bank name, electronic transfer instructions, overdue terms.
20 08/07/2007 Nodal Invoices & Statements REVIEW Real Time Market (RTM) Resettlement Statement [NP 9.5.2 (1) & 9.5.6] –A statement that shows a breakdown of Charge Types incurred in the RTM, including any administrative and miscellaneous charges applicable to the RTM; created to correct any previous RTM Statement for the same Operating Day, as directed by the Protocols. Real Time Market (RTM) Short Pay Invoice Plan [NP 9.7.3(h)] –The short-pay plan, the payment schedule, and the invoice date to which the payments will be applied. Real Time Market (RTM) True-Up Statement [NP 9.5.2 (1) & 9.5.8] –A settlement statement that shows a breakdown of Charge Types incurred in the RTM, including any administrative and miscellaneous charges applicable to the RTM –Contains operating day, statement recipient’s name, ERCOT identifier (settlement ID), status of the settlement, statement version number, unique statement identification code and charge types settled (must be in 15 minute or 1-hour settlement intervals). –Must include a summary page Real Time Market (RTM) Uplift Invoice [NP 9.7.3(g)] –An invoice produced as-needed, to collect from QSEs representing LSEs a debt owed to ERCOT by an entity who has not paid their RTM Invoice or RTM Uplift Invoice in full and meets the criteria set forth in Nodal Protocol Section 9.7.3.
21 08/07/2007 Additional Items ERCOT will post REVIEW Administrative Fees [NP 9.16] Approved Distribution Loss Factor [P 13.3] Capacity Factor [NP] Day Ahead Market (DAM) Resettlement Notice [NP 9.2.6] EPS Design Proposal [NP 10.4.2] ERCOT Fee Schedule [NP 9.4.5(1) & 9.7.5(1)] Historical Consumption Data Request [NP 10.12.3 (b)] Load Profile Decision Tree [P 18.4.1] Load Profile ID Exceptions [Load Profiling Guide 11.4.4] Load Profile Models [P 18.3.2] ERCOT Fee Schedule [NP 9.4.5(1) & 9.7.5(1)] New Load Profile Request [P 18.2.9] Notice of Dispute [NP 9.14.2 (1)]
22 08/07/2007 Additional Items ERCOT will post REVIEW Provisional Approvals for Metering Facility [NP] Publication of Decision [NP 10.14.2 (b)] Publication of Guidelines [NP 10.14.2 (a)] Real Time Market (RTM) Resettlement Notice [NP 9.5.7] Real Time market (RTM) True-Up Statement Delay Notice [NP 9.5.9] Seasonal Transmission Loss Factors [P 13.2.4] Settlement & Billing Dispute Forms [NP 9.14.3 (3)] Total Reimbursable Cost [NP 9.18 (3)] UFE Analysis [P 11.6.1] Verifiable Cost Notice [???]
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