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R&D per l’LHC upgrade di fase 2 1 Iniziative verso la fase 2 : USA: Snowmass, (Jul 29 - Aug 6, 2013) HL-LHC Experiment ECFA Workshop, Aix-les-Bains Oct.

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Presentation on theme: "R&D per l’LHC upgrade di fase 2 1 Iniziative verso la fase 2 : USA: Snowmass, (Jul 29 - Aug 6, 2013) HL-LHC Experiment ECFA Workshop, Aix-les-Bains Oct."— Presentation transcript:

1 R&D per l’LHC upgrade di fase 2 1 Iniziative verso la fase 2 : USA: Snowmass, (Jul 29 - Aug 6, 2013) HL-LHC Experiment ECFA Workshop, Aix-les-Bains Oct 1-3 2013 Workshop INFN 11-13 novembre 2013 Il 30 maggio Council del CERN ha approvato l’EU strategy update document

2 2 HL-LHC Experiment ECFA Workshop Aix-les-Bains Oct 1-3 2013 Steering committee of the workshop (* Chairs): ALICE: P. Giubellino (SP), Hannes Wessels (Deputy SP) ATLAS: Phil Allport* (Upgrades Coord), D. Charlton (SP), Beniamino Di Girolamo (Tech. Coord) CMS: Austin Ball (Tech. Coord) and Didier Contardo* (Upgrades Coord), J. Incandela (SP) LHCb: P. Campana (SP) Burkhard Schmidt (Deputy SP) Sergio Bertolucci (CERN Dir. Research), Manfred Krammer (ECFA Chair), Peter Jenni (ATLAS), Michelangelo Mangano (LPCC), Steve Myers (Dir. Accelerators), Jim Virdee (CMS) o Kick off meeting for the HL-LHC community to discuss the HL-LHC Upgrade programmes o It will address Physics goals, Detector Upgrade requirements and subsequent Technology R&Ds, to develop common approach and to identify synergies, and further possible effort to collaborate in areas of common interest o The four LHC experiments, ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb contribute to the workshop

3 3 o The areas to be covered at the workshop include: -Physics goals, theoretical developments and performance reach -Tracking devices and associated electronics and readout -Calorimetry and associated electronics and readout -Muon systems and associated electronics and readout -Trigger/DAQ/Offline/Computing -Electronics and read-out systems -Long Shutdown constraints and radiation and activation effects -Accelerator and Experiment interface o Preparatory groups formed to identify the key topics to be discussed and to organize the session of the workshop o After workshop cross-experiments working groups could be formed o SUMMARY DOCUMENT PLANNED: outcome and future steps ECFA Workshop: preparatory groups

4 Preparatory Groups: Membership (chairs in bold) 4

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6 6 Workshop INFN – novembre 2013

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