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1 ECFA HL-LHC Experiments Workshop Aix-les-Bains Oct. 1-3 D. Contardo, P. Allport CERN June 10 Status from Preparatory Groups and Discussion of Agenda.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ECFA HL-LHC Experiments Workshop Aix-les-Bains Oct. 1-3 D. Contardo, P. Allport CERN June 10 Status from Preparatory Groups and Discussion of Agenda."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ECFA HL-LHC Experiments Workshop Aix-les-Bains Oct. 1-3 D. Contardo, P. Allport CERN June 10 Status from Preparatory Groups and Discussion of Agenda Steering Committee of the workshop (* Chairs): ALICE: P. Giubellino (SpokesPerson), Hannes Wessels (Deputy SP) ATLAS: Phil Allport* (Upgrades Coord.), D. Charlton (SP), Beniamino Di Girolamo (Tech. Coord.) CMS: Austin Ball (Tech. Coord.) and Didier Contardo* (Upgrades Coord.), J. Incandela (SP) LHCb: P. Campana (SP) Burkhard Schmidt (Deputy SP) Sergio Bertolucci (CERN Dir. Research), Manfred Krammer (ECFA Chair), Peter Jenni (ATLAS) Michelangelo Mangano (LPCC), Steve Myers (Dir. Accelerators), Jim Virdee (CMS) E-mail list of the workshop SC: E-mail list of the PG chairs: E-mail list of the PG members:

2 Reminder: Goals and topics for the Workshop 2 o The ECFA HL-LHC Experiments Workshop is a meeting of the ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb collaborations to develop a common approach to the HL-LHC program and to identify synergies and possible effort to collaborate in areas of common interest o It will address Physics goals, Detector Upgrade requirements and subsequent Technology R&Ds, the following areas have identified for discussion: -Physics goals, theoretical developments and performance reach -Tracking devices and associated electronics and readout -Calorimetry and associated electronics and readout -Muon systems and associated electronics and readout -Trigger/DAQ/Offline/Computing -Electronics and read-out systems -Long Shutdown constraints and radiation and activation effects -Accelerator and Experiment interface o Preparatory Groups have been formed to identify the key topics to be discussed in each area and to organize the session of the workshop. They have two chairs from ATLAS and CMS - and also 2 theorists for the Physics PG

3 Discussion of topics to be addressed at the workshop 3 o First discussion with chairs on PG plans after Kick-off meetings o Accelerator and experiment interface -Address issues related to the accelerator modifications at IP regions and implication in the experimental areas, including scope of work -Propose common assumptions for the beam conditions and the luminous region for simulation -Identify other plausible scenarios for the beam conditions -… o Long Shutdown constraints and radiation and activation effects -Address issues with framework and software for simulation of beam backgrounds, radiation and activation levels in the experimental areas. -Consider impact of activation on the upgrade activities during the Long Shutdowns, and for maintenance during the HL-LHC operation period. -Evaluate the infrastructure upgrade needs and the length of the shutdowns for the scope of work foreseen by the experiments. -Identify areas of potential common developments (remote handling technology, shielding…) -…

4 Discussion of topics to be addressed at the workshop 4 o Tracker, Calorimeter and Muon systems, Trigger/DAQ/Offline/Computing, Electronics and read-out systems -Present motivations for upgrades, requirements and concepts -Consider capability of technologies for upgrades - including timeline and costs aspects -Identify critical need for R&Ds - and existing and possible common efforts across experiments -Detectors PGs will identify need for common test facilities -Electronics PG will address longevity of all types of electronic systems and new technology potential (in conjunction with detector PGs) -… o Physics goals, theoretical developments and performance reach -Propose key physics channels to study the HL-LHC physics reach and to highlight specifications for the detector performance. -Consider acceptance and statistics/systematics limitations -Explore/harmonize issues related to the event generators and tunes -Propose scenarios for trigger menu studies -Present preliminary performance projections simulated with realistic detector descriptions and beam conditions. -…

5 SC meeting with PGs on June 10 5 o Today is a working meeting to develop the workshop agenda -Proposed presentations and outline of content - what are the main messages -Status of readiness and work/studies needed from experiments -First discussion of candidate speakers  Consider uniformity across sessions and possible common topical talks  Discuss questions of general interest Cost issue: consider cost for R&Ds and model for cost estimates of experiment upgrades - eg what are the categories of costs for systems what are the current estimates of common components (not a discussion of overall costs, specific to design goals of experiments) … o Main TWIKI page for the workshop documentation (thanks to Gavin) -General information (link to meeting agendas, mailing lists, Indico page…) -Each PG to link dedicated pages with working documentation o First week of Sept. final meeting of PG and SC -Discuss draft of document on workshop outcome and future steps

6 Agenda: session scheme for discussion 6 -Tuesday 1 morning 9:20 - 13:00 Registration 8:30 - 9:30 Introduction by ECFA 15’ Introduction by CERN Management 45’ Break 30 ’ Experiment Upgrade 2h (4 experiments) – Wednesday 2 morning 9:00 – 13:00 Physics Goals, Theoretical Developments and Performance Reach 1h:30 Break 30’ Physics Goals, Theoretical Developments and Performance Reach 1h:30 + 30’ – Thursday 3 morning 9:00 - 13:00 Muon Systems and Associated Electronics and Readout 1h45’ Break 30’ Trigger/DAQ/Offline/Computing 1h45’ Lunch 13:00-14:00 -Tuesday 1 Afternoon 14:00 - 18:30 Accelerator and Experiment Interface 1h:30 Break 30’ Long Shutdown Constraints and Radiation and Activation Effects 1h30 60’ Reception 19:00 Lunch 13:00-14:00 -Wednesday 2 Afternoon 14:00 - 18:30 Tracker Systems and Associated Electronics and Readout 2h Break 30’ Calorimetry and Associated Electronics and Readout 2h Diner 20:00 Lunch 13:00-14:00 -Thursday 3 Afternoon 14:00 - 16:30 Electronics and Read-out Systems 1h45’ Concluding remarks Next Steps - Proposed Future ECFA Workshops 30’ End of the Workshop Plenary sessions with few topical presentations per area common to 4 experiments (eg. Upgrade motivation requirements and concepts - Technology R&Ds…)

7 Workshop organization 7 o Dawn Hudson (CMS) and Connie Potter (ATLAS) are the contact persons o Will open registration this week please check: -Indico page (under construction) nfId=252045 -Poster (add Indico page bar code…)

8 From today’s discussion 8 o Agenda scheme proposals (need detailed understanding of session lengths): -Tuesday morning: split CERN management presentation in two one dedicated with to machine upgrade plans/scenarios (proposal from PG8)? -Tuesday afternoon Physics session? -Wednesday morning Acc./Exp. Interface - LS constraints - Electronics and Read-Out system? -Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning sub-systems and Trigger/DAQ? -Thursday afternoon session only for wrap-up: few topical summaries and proposals for next steps? (Physics – LS issues (schedule/duration) - Detector R&Ds - Follow-up workshop(s))  should gain time on topical sessions -Phil and Didier to prepare agenda implementing proposals and time for presentations and discussions

9 From today’s discussion 9 o Populate main TWIKI page for the workshop documentation (thanks to Gavin) -Practical information (link to meeting agendas, mailing lists, Indico page…) -Information of general interest Example LHC upgrade scenario documents… -Each PG to link dedicated pages with working documentation o PG’s provide proposal for speakers by end of June and abstract of presentations and by mid-July o PG’s present draft document on workshop outcome and future steps for discussion first week of Sept.

10 Preparatory Groups: Membership (chairs in bold) 10 – Physics goals and performance reach CERN Theory: G.Salam, A. Weiller ALICE: Peter Braun Munzinger, Andrea Dainese ATLAS: Leandro Nisati, Pippa Wells, Bill Murray CMS: Chris Hill, Markus Klute, Isabell Melzer-Pellmann LHCb: Tim Gershon, Guy Wilkinson – Tracking devices and associated electronics and readout ALICE: Vito Manzari, Werner Riegler ATLAS: Ingrid Gregor, Didier Ferrere, Craig Buttar CMS: Duccio Abbaneo, Francois Vasey, Stefano Mersi LHCb: Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi – Calorimetry and associated electronics and readout ALICE: David Silvermyr ATLAS: Francesco Lanni, Alberto Valero CMS: Marcello Mannelli, Dave Barney, Pawel. De Barbaro LHCb: Frederic Machefert – Muon Systems and associated electronics and readout ALICE: Pascal Dupieux ATLAS: Christoph Amelung, Oliver Kortner, Stefano Veneziano CMS: Marcello Abbrescia, Kerstin Hoepfner, Alexei Safonov LHCb: Alessandro Cardini

11 Preparatory Groups: Membership (chairs in bold) 11 – Trigger/DAQ/Offline/Computing ALICE: Pierre Vande Vyvre, Thorsten Kollegger, Predrag Buncic ATLAS: David Rousseau, Benedetto Gorini, Nikos Konstantinidis CMS: Wesley Smith, Christoph Schwick, Ian Fisk, Peter Elmer LHCb: Renaud Legac, Niko Neufeld – Electronics and read-out systems ALICE: Alex Kluge ATLAS: Philippe Farthouat, Maurice Garcia-Sciveres, Tony Weidberg CMS: Magnus Hansen, Jorgen Christiansen LHCb: Ken Wyllie – Long Shutdown constraints and radiation and activation effects ALICE: Werner Riegler ATLAS: Olga Beltramello, Beniamino Di Girolamo CMS: Wolfram Zeuner, Christoph Schaefer LHCb: Rolf Lindner – Accelerator and Experiment interface CERN Accelerator: L. Rossi, O. Bruning ALICE: Hannes Wessels ATLAS: Christoph Rembser, Beniamino Di Girolamo, Antonio Sbrizzi CMS: Maria Chamizo Llatas, Wolfram Zeuner LHCb: Burkhard Schmidt

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