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Components. Control components Mechanisms Electrical/electronics Used as part of control systems in products and manufacturing industry.

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Presentation on theme: "Components. Control components Mechanisms Electrical/electronics Used as part of control systems in products and manufacturing industry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Components

2 Control components Mechanisms Electrical/electronics Used as part of control systems in products and manufacturing industry

3 Mechanical Components Make tasks easier Generate some kind of force and movement Change direction and/or force

4 Electronic Components Individual components are built up into circuits Integrated circuits (ICs) have replaced many components Some ICs can be programmed and are called PICs

5 Composites Composites are made up from different materials to create new materials with improved properties Most material groups have composites

6 Composites Often very advanced materials (carbon fibre, Kevlar in resin) Very light but strong Allow complex forms to be made

7 Renewable Materials Can be grown and cropped from plants, trees and animals Sometimes know as non-finite as theoretically there is no end to this resource

8 Materials from plants/trees

9 Non-renewable materials Dug out of the ground as ores, minerals, oil etc. prior to processing Once consumed they are lost forever Sometimes called finite resources as they will eventually run out It is important to try to recycle as many of these materials as possible

10 Materials dug out of the ground

11 Materials made from oil

12 Standard components Ready-made standard components can be found in many products It is usually cheaper to manufacture these in large quantities in specialist factories rather than for each manufacturer to make their own Repairs are much easier when standard components are used

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