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Organisms need energy to survive Group 2: Rachael, Cass, Jasmine.

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Presentation on theme: "Organisms need energy to survive Group 2: Rachael, Cass, Jasmine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organisms need energy to survive Group 2: Rachael, Cass, Jasmine

2 Role of photosynthesis in converting solar energy into chemical energy. Include the equation with a detailed explanation.  Like a solar energy panel plants too can take in the sunlight and reuse it as energy. Every living thing or organism need energy to survive, this includes plants. Plants are capable of absorbing energy from the sunlight and using to produce a sugar, the sugars are then used to provide energy for the plant. This is the process called photosynthesis.  The plants solar energy is converted into chemical energy. The chemical energy is stored in the form of glucose (sugar). Plants use Carbon dioxide, water, oxygen and sunlight are used to produce the glucose sugar. The chemical equation for this process is:  6CO2 + 12H2O + light → C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 6H2O

3 Movement of chemical energy through food chains /food webs. Make reference to producers and consumers and biomass of numbers. Tomatoes (Producer) / Crickets (Primary Consumer) / Trout (Secondary Consumer) / Shark (Tertiary Consumer) / Human

4 Explanation of food web/chain  Tomatoes are one of the foods that crickets eat to survive. Due to crickets staying alive and eating the producer it makes it a prime target to trout. It then follows on to sharks eating trout. Lastly it ends with human being the last part of the food chain.

5 Biomass  Biomass is the total dry weight of the organisms. The more organisms there are in a food chain/food web the greater is the growth in the higher order consumers. So basically the higher the pyramid the lower the mass is. Grass is the producer because it makes its own food. The grasshopper is the primary consumer because it eats the grass second and then it is a food to another animal. The animal that eats the primary consumer is the trout which is the secondary consumer. After that the pyramid continues.

6 respiration The Respiration process in plants is when they take in oxygen, from the air and then release’s the carbon dioxide. Respiration in animals is the same as humans. As carbon- dioxide is released into the air by humans and animals. Energy ( glucose ) Plants make glucose during the process of photosynthesis. The plants then turn the glucose into starch and stores it as energy for use. The energy source for animals is food. The food that they eat helps them to grow, run, walk, eat and gives them movement. C6H12O6 + 6O2 --> 6CO2 + 6H2O Digestion Some plants must use enzymes to digest their prey, for them to digest the food the plants make their own digestive enzymes. After the food they have eaten and has been digested, all that remains is a mass of crunchy bits. Some other plants rely on the bacteria to make the enzymes they need. In some cases, the plants themselves don’t excrete the digestive juices. The food just rots and the plants just take in the decomposed molecules. Many other plants just rely on both their own enzymes and bacterially generated enzymes. This is called a symbiotic relationship. The body release enzymes as the food has been chewed and swallowed, this process is chemical digestion. Chemical digestion is when the enzymes breakdown the biological molecules, this happens in the stomach. As the food moves through the digestive system it is eventually broken down into compounds and the nutrients is absorbed into the small intestine, to get into the blood stream. The material that doesn’t get absorbed continues to go into the large intestine, where the water is then removed from the materials, and whatever is left can be removed.

7 Thankyou for watching

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