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Figure 1.7 Regional terms used to designate specific body areas. 1 2 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Figure 1.7 Regional terms used to designate specific body areas. 1 2 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Figure 1.7 Regional terms used to designate specific body areas. 1 2 3

2 1.Sternal 2.Lumbar 3.Vertebral

3 Figure 1.7a Regional terms used to designate specific body areas.

4 1.Auxillary

5 Figure 1.9 Dorsal and ventral body cavities and their subdivisions. 1 2 3

6 1.Thoracic Cavity 2.Cranial Cavity 3.Superior Mediastinum

7 Figure 4.3a Epithelial tissues.

8 1.Simple Squamous Epithelium

9 Figure 4.3d Epithelial tissues.

10 1.Pseudostratified columnar epithelium

11 Figure 4.3f Epithelial tissues.

12 1.Transitional epithelium

13 Figure 4.8a Connective tissues.

14 1.Loose Connective Tissue: Areolar

15 Figure 4.8b Connective tissues.

16 1.Loose Connective Tissue: Adipose

17 Figure 4.8d Connective tissues.

18 1.Dense Connective Tissue: Dense Regular

19 Figure 4.8e Connective tissues.

20 1.Dense Connective Tissue: Dense Irregular

21 Figure 7.4a Anatomy of the anterior and posterior aspects of the skull. 1 2 3 4

22 1.Supraorbital Foramen 2.Mental Foramen 3.Sphenoid Bone 4.Vomer

23 Figure 7.4b Anatomy of the anterior and posterior aspects of the skull. 1 2 3 4

24 1.Sagittal Suture 2.Occipital Bone 3.Parietal Bone 4.Mastoid Process

25 Figure 7.5a Bones of the lateral aspect of the skull, external and internal views. 1 2 3 4

26 1.Temporal Bone 2.Lambdoid Suture 3.Styloid Process 4.Zygomatic Bone

27 Figure 7.6a Inferior aspect of the skull, mandible removed. 1 2

28 1.Palatine Bone 2.Jugular Foramen

29 Figure 8.5d Movements allowed by synovial joints. 1 2

30 1.Flexion 2.Extension

31 Figure 8.7a The shapes of the joint surfaces define the types of movements that can occur at a synovial joint; they also determine the classification of synovial joints into six structural types.

32 1.Diarthrotic Synovial Plane Joint

33 Figure 8.7b The shapes of the joint surfaces define the types of movements that can occur at a synovial joint; they also determine the classification of synovial joints into six structural types.

34 1.Diarthrotic Synovial Hinge Joint

35 Figure 8.7c The shapes of the joint surfaces define the types of movements that can occur at a synovial joint; they also determine the classification of synovial joints into six structural types.

36 1.Diarthrotic Synovial Pivot Joint

37 Figure 8.7d The shapes of the joint surfaces define the types of movements that can occur at a synovial joint; they also determine the classification of synovial joints into six structural types.

38 1.Diarthrotic Synovial Condyloid

39 Figure 8.7e The shapes of the joint surfaces define the types of movements that can occur at a synovial joint; they also determine the classification of synovial joints into six structural types.

40 1.Diarthrotic Synovial Saddle

41 Figure 10.5 Superficial muscles of the body: Anterior view. 1 2 3 4 5

42 1.Gracilis Muscle 2.Rectus Femoris Muscle 3.Brachioradialis 4.Sartorius 5.Vastus Lateralis Muscle

43 Figure 10.7b Lateral view of muscles of the scalp, face, and neck. 1 2

44 1.Buccinator Muscle 2.Sternocleidomastoid Muscle

45 Figure 10.12a Muscles of the abdominal wall. 1 2 3

46 1.Serratus Anterior Muscle 2.Internal Oblique Muscle 3.Rectus Abdominis Muscle

47 Figure 12.4a Lobes, sulci, and fissures of the cerebral hemispheres. 1 2 3

48 1.Longitudinal Fissure 2.Left Cerebral Hemisphere 3.Right Cerebral Hemisphere

49 Figure 12.10a Midsagittal section of the brain. 1 2 3 4

50 1.Thalamus 2.Hypothalamus 3.Pituitary Gland 4.Pons

51 Figure 15.3a Extrinsic eye muscles. 1 2 3 4

52 1.Trochlea 2.Superior Rectus Muscle 3.Inferior Oblique Muscle 4.Inferior Rectus Muscle

53 Figure 15.26 Membranous labyrinth of the internal ear. 1 2 3 4

54 1.Semicircular Canals 2.Vestibular Ganglia 3.Vestibule 4.Cochlea

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