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Who should go out in public?. Which of the people in this story can you identify with? Why?

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Presentation on theme: "Who should go out in public?. Which of the people in this story can you identify with? Why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who should go out in public?

2 Which of the people in this story can you identify with? Why?

3 Is it ever right to exclude someone because his or her appearance makes others uncomfortable?

4 What would you have done if you were devin? If you were linsey? If you were lisa?

5 What can be done to make it easier for people like linsey to “fit in?”

6 incarnation The Son of God coming “in the flesh” Jesus became a human being while remaining truly God Two possibilities for early believers: Jesus was not human Jesus was not divine

7 council of Nicaea: 325 A.D., Jesus is the same substance of the Father, i.e., Jesus is God

8 Another heresy: Jesus was a human person who was in some way joined to the divine person of God’s Son

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