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♥♥By: Mia Siccardi♥♥ Where do they live?? They live in the Amazon River basin of South America...

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2 ♥♥By: Mia Siccardi♥♥

3 Where do they live?? They live in the Amazon River basin of South America...

4 CHARACTERISTICS: Electric eels are long and slender like a snake, but they have fins to help them swim. They are black-brown to olive in color.

5 Anatomy Anatomy: The electric eel grows to be almost 2.5 m long. Most of the internal organs are in the front 1/5 of this fish; the rest of the body contains the electricity-producing organs (modified muscles). The scales covering the body are tiny. The eyes are tiny, and as this fish ages, its vision diminishes

6 What they eat? Diet: The electric eel eats other fish. It gets its prey by shocking it with electricity. The young eat bottom-living invertebrates.

7 Their body

8 Size SIZE: Electric eels can grow to be 6-9 feet in length.

9 About them Electric eels are not true eels, they are only eel-like in shape. Electrophorus electricus is famous for its ability to produce strong electrical currents, reaching 500-650 volts. This strong discharge is used to stun or kill prey. This electrical discharge is also used to ward off potential predators.

10 End I wish you enjoyed it MIA SICCARDI

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