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1 73th IETF, CCAMP WG, Minneapolis, MN, USA November 2008 A Framework for defining Optical Parameters to be used in WSON Networks draft-martinelli-ccamp-opt-imp-fwk-00.txt.

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1 1 73th IETF, CCAMP WG, Minneapolis, MN, USA November 2008 A Framework for defining Optical Parameters to be used in WSON Networks draft-martinelli-ccamp-opt-imp-fwk-00.txt

2 222 73th IETF, CCAMP WG, Minneapolis, MN, USA November 2008 Authors Editors:  Giovanni Martinelli, David Bianchi, Ori Gerstel, Alberto Tanzi, Andrea Zanardi. Contributors:  Gabriele Galimberti, Zafar Ali, Mimmo La Fauci, Maurizio Gazzola, Roberto Cassata, Elio Salvadori, Chava Sharadi, Yabin Ye, Marco Anisetti, Ernesto Damiani, Valerio Bellandi.

3 333 73th IETF, CCAMP WG, Minneapolis, MN, USA November 2008 Background Initial joint effort between two teams who already submitted IDs dealing on optical parameters/impairments Since last meeting in Dublin there was a need to provide background info.

4 444 73th IETF, CCAMP WG, Minneapolis, MN, USA November 2008 Scope Definition, terminology, measurement techniques, encoding techniques for optical impairments are out side the scope of this document. The document relies on ITU-T recommendations for this purpose. The ID only reports additional information to determine how impairment information can be integrated into the control plane. Identifies why and how the control plane might be impairment-aware. Provides any useful information for an impairment-aware protocol implementation. Tries to classify impairment parameters in term of Control Plane impacts.

5 555 73th IETF, CCAMP WG, Minneapolis, MN, USA November 2008 Draft Outline: the key points Motivation: section 2 Evaluation flow: section 3.1 Parameter Classification: sections 3.2 and 3.3 Control Plane Consideration: section 4 Reference section list all ITU-T documents used (up to now).

6 666 73th IETF, CCAMP WG, Minneapolis, MN, USA November 2008 Motivation Try to answer the question “Why we might need an impairment-aware Control Plane?”. Describe some issues with:  Offline planning tools.  Online planning tools.  Determining all feasible paths a-priori. Control Plane might or might not need to deal with optical impairments (see Greg ID on wson impairments, draft-bernstein-ccamp-wson- impairments-01.txt).draft-bernstein-ccamp-wson- impairments-01.txt

7 777 73th IETF, CCAMP WG, Minneapolis, MN, USA November 2008 The Evaluation Flow Scope of this section is just to provide a minimum common understanding. Sum up where a Lightpath get impaired: identify the key issues. Optical Interface (end points of a light-path ) Optical Path (transiting nodes/ links) Optical Channel Estimation BER/ Q Factor

8 888 73th IETF, CCAMP WG, Minneapolis, MN, USA November 2008 Parameter Classification proposal Try to classify in term of Control Plane impacts. 1.Classification related to information complexity:  Scalar (linear), multi-hop (non-linear), multi-channel, multi- hop-channel 2.Classification related to sharing properties:  time dependency, wavelength dependency, value type, variance.

9 999 73th IETF, CCAMP WG, Minneapolis, MN, USA November 2008 Control Plane Considerations Outline three possible options:  Routing  We need to be very selective on what is carried in the routing.  Signaling  It might be possible that a certain set of optical impairment are verified during the routing phase while the remaining set can be performed during the signaling phase.  PCE  A PCE capable of supporting an impairment- aware path computation.  We need to evaluate what and how information is to convey to the PCE for such computation.

10 10 73th IETF, CCAMP WG, Minneapolis, MN, USA November 2008 Parameters List List comes from ITU-T documents (see references). Added the draft proposed classification for control plan purposes. Probably an initial step to be discussed with ITU-T.

11 11 73th IETF, CCAMP WG, Minneapolis, MN, USA November 2008 Next Steps Is there any interest in optical-awareness in the control plane? draft merge (with draft-bernstein-ccamp-wson- impairments-01.txt)?draft-bernstein-ccamp-wson- impairments-01.txt other people to contribute?

12 12 73th IETF, CCAMP WG, Minneapolis, MN, USA November 2008 Thank You.

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