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(Transformational) Generative Grammar

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1 (Transformational) Generative Grammar
(변형) 생성 문법

2 1. Standard Theory (표준이론)
Chomsky, Noam (1965) Aspects of Syntactic Theory 표준이론은 초기의 변형생성문법(Transformational Generative Grammar)을 말하며 그 기본 개념은 다음과 같다. “Indefinite number of sentences(surface structures) are derived by means of applying transformational rules to underlying(deep) structure.”

3 변형생성문법(Transformational Generative Grammar)의 framework(틀)
       Phrase Structure Rules                      Projection Rules             Lexicon          deep structure                   <== transformational rules (Deletion, Substitution, Insertion, Movement)          surface structure                 <== Morphophonemic rules(Affix Hopping)           utterances

4 (e.g.) deep structure: John past break the window
    Structural Description:  NP-past-V-NP     Structural Index:          1,   2,   3,  4     Structural Change:             Passivization ⇒      4, 2+ be -en, 3, 0, by+1     surface structure: the window past+ be -en- V by John       Affix Hopping ⇒   (utterance) The window was broken by John.

5 Phrase Structure Rules (PSRs) 구구조규칙
S → NP AUX VP NP → (Det) (A) N (S) (PP) AUX → TNS (M) (have –en) (be –ing) (be –en) VP → V (PP) VP → V Adv VP → V NP VP → V NP PP

6 Lexicon (어휘부) Grammatical categories Subcategorizational rules
Selectional restrictions Argument structures

7 Subcategorizational rules (하위범주화 규칙)
(1) a. John vanished. b. John vanished into the forest. (2) a. *John belongs. b. John belongs to the group. (3) a. *John put. b. *John put the book. c. John put the book on the desk.

8 Subcategorizational rules
(1) vanish <V>, [ ___ (PP)] (2) belong <V>, [ ___ [PP to-NP]] (3) put <V>, [ ___ NP [LOC PP]] (4) make <V>, [ ___ NP ([PP to/for-NP)]]

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