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How to Write a Theme Statement. The Thematic Statement  The Thematic Statement is the most important sentence in the essay. Get it wrong, and the rest.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Write a Theme Statement. The Thematic Statement  The Thematic Statement is the most important sentence in the essay. Get it wrong, and the rest."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Write a Theme Statement

2 The Thematic Statement  The Thematic Statement is the most important sentence in the essay. Get it wrong, and the rest of the essay will suffer.  The thematic statement is a sentence that combines the TITLE (properly punctuated), the AUTHOR’S NAME (both first and last) and the GENRE of the piece and what the writer says about the subject.

3  A thematic statement is written in present tense.  A thematic statement is written in the active voice.  The verb in a thematic statement is not a form of “to be”.  The verb should be vibrant and meaningful.  The subject should be preceded by an adjective that will reveal the writer’s tone.

4 REVIEW  The necessary parts of a thematic statement are:  Title/Author/Genre, Tone, Theme+ descriptive adjective/adverb and strong verb.  W.H. Auden’s ironic poem, “Musee des Beaux Arts,” utilizes situational irony to suggest that life passes by nonchalantly for those whom tragedy does not directly affect.

5 MORE EXAMPLES  Adrienne Rich’s contemplative poem, “Storm Warnings,” evokes a sense of calm in the face of turmoil through the use of imagery and concrete details to illuminate the speakers practiced response to an impending storm.  Ray Bradbury’s poignant novel, Dandelion Wine, illuminates the coming of age of Douglas Spalding throught the use of extended metaphor and symbolism.

6 Now you try  Prompt: How does John Steinbeck use foreshadowing to create meaning in Of Mice and Men?  Write a theme statement.

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