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Intro to Bonhoeffer Notes from Charles Marsh biography, Strange Glory: A Life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Review by Timothy Larsen, CT, May 15, 2014 MIN4033.

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Presentation on theme: "Intro to Bonhoeffer Notes from Charles Marsh biography, Strange Glory: A Life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Review by Timothy Larsen, CT, May 15, 2014 MIN4033."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intro to Bonhoeffer Notes from Charles Marsh biography, Strange Glory: A Life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Review by Timothy Larsen, CT, May 15, 2014 MIN4033

2 “contra mundum” One person up against the whole world, his world Opposed the Nazis, executed in a concentration camp Like Athanasius, defying rulers and armies, “contra mundum” (against the world)

3 Opposition to Nazify the church What powers did Bonhoeffer bring to the fight against the Nazi regime? – 27 years old – Financially dependent on parents – Lacked experience in the workaday world – Professional resume: a pastoral internship in Spain, and an unpaid, non-tenure track position as adjunct lecturer

4 Public declarations What did Bonhoeffer have to say? – Fuhrer was a false path (public) – Fuhrer was the antichrist (private) – By 1933, Bonhoeffer was most outspoken critic of Hitler and Nazi policies

5 Knew How to Dress When going to Spain, he inquired as to what to bring for formal evening wear (Pastor there said to just bring preaching robe, already!) Writing last will & testament, he catalogued his prized possessions, including a dinner jacket, felt hats, and salt-and-pepper suit

6 Theological Depth Valued Rome as facet of universal church (unlike Luther who despised the Catholic expressions of faith) Valued Adolf von Harnack (19 th century theological liberalism): – Separate kernel (biblical truth) from husk (cultural/historical circumstance) Valued Karl Barth (exemplar of neo- orthodoxy): – “Jesus simply has nothing to do with religion” Fed his notion that “religionless Christianity” has no place for true disciples

7 Faith & Practice Despised the mainline theologians that did not care about doctrine & famous preachers that did not care about the gospel African American churches taught him to proclamation & social action

8 Hedgehogs vs. Foxes Isaiah Berlin, Jewish philosopher, viewed world between foxes & hedgehogs Foxes draw upon diversity of ideas and experiences Hedgehogs claim to know one big fat audacious thing as all-important Bonhoeffer joined a university fraternity known as the Hedgehogs. His one thing: what one believes should be reflected in how one lives

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