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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME BACK! New Seats Today! DO NOT GET COMFORTABLE - YOU WILL BE MOVING Room 1609 Ms. Stoffels"— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME BACK! New Seats Today! DO NOT GET COMFORTABLE - YOU WILL BE MOVING Room 1609 Ms. Stoffels EMAIL: (661) 758-7400 x51609 work OR (559) 765-0490 cell

2 New Seats Please move to your new seat quickly. Please do not complain about your seat. If you would like a seat change, come talk to me AFTER CLASS. Whatever the problem, make it work for today.

3 Agenda: 1/5/15 1. Objective: Students will initiate and effectively participate in collaborative discussions. Also, take notes on class expectations. 2. Review of Class Procedures & Materials 3. Think-Pair-Share 4. New Policies 5. New Technology HW- 11 th : Ask someone who does not go to Wasco High: “How would you feel if you were not allowed an education?” WRITE IT DOWN! HW- 10 th : Look up a speech on Youtube. Answer the following: 1. What was great about this speech? 2. What could have been better? 3. Do you think it made people think, feel, or act differently? Why?

4 Daily Routine Enter and take out homework, pencils, and other materials. – Students are expected to be prepared and on time to class. Warm-up – The first 5-10 minutes is set aside for your Agenda, attendance, and the collection of homework. Notes (Cornell Notes preferred) Class Work – Reading, Writing, Vocabulary and Activities Ticket Out the Door – During the last five minutes of every class you will complete a “Ticket Out the Door”. – Students are expected to stay seated until dismissed.

5 2 nd Semester Goals: Goals: 1. Collaborative Environment that is Scholarly 2. Your BEST Work and BEST Effort every day (no messing around) 3. W.I.N. - Challenge Yourself (What is Important Now?) 4. Class average of an 80% or higher (last semester we averaged 75% in all classes!)

6 Materials Pearson Literature textbook and supplementary readings, writings, vocabulary, and grammar activities. Students will be required to have and use THEIR STUDENT IDENTIFICATION CARD for all library and supplementary material checkout. Students must bring their binder, paper, and a pen and/or sharpened pencil to class daily. Students will be required to record the daily agenda in their binders. ALL ASSIGNMENTS MUST BE TURNED IN AS SPECIFIED BY THE INSTRUCTOR.

7 Daily Materials 3 Ring Binder with Dividers Binder or Notebook Paper Sharpened Pencils/ Mech. Pencils with lead Student ID Homework and Assignments Independent Reading Book Positive attitude

8 EVALUATION: Regular and timely attendance is mandatory. Students’ grades are determined in accordance with California State Content Standards in the areas of – Reading – Writing – Written and Oral English Language Conventions – Listening and Speaking

9 EVALUATION cont.: As assessed through such categories as 10% = Collaboration/Participation 20% = Semester Final Exam and ACES 30% = Class work/Homework 40% = Quizzes/Tests/Writings/Projects and Presentations

10 Grading Scale 90-100 = A 80 - 89 = B 70 - 79 = C 67 - 69 = D 0 - 66 = F

11 Classroom Rules: 1.) Everyone will do their best 2.) Everyone will support their peers 3.) Everyone will stay on task and focus in class 4.) Everyone will be respectful 5.) Everyone will follow school rules (i.e. Handbook: on time, prepared, food and drink, technology, etc.)

12 Not Meeting Expectations 1.Verbal Warning. 2.Letter home to parent and phone call. 3.Infraction (step or referral) + Sent to ISR or Letter home and a phone call. AUTOMATIC INFRACTIONS (step or referral) Gum/food/drinks (besides water) in the classroom, cheating, bullying of any kind, or unauthorized use of electronic devices.

13 Tardy Policy: The instructor will follow the school’s policy accordingly. The student must be in the classroom and in their seat before the final “late” bell rings. I will be locking my door when the final bell rings. If you are locked out, you can knock all you want. My suggestion is you ask an Administrator or security person to let you in my room. I’m not allowing strangers in my room.

14 Absence Policy: If a student is absent he or she should meet with the instructor to receive the make up work. The make up work is due the following day. If a student is absent consecutives days, the student will be given extra time to complete the make up work. Check with your neighbor or a friend for the agendas you may have missed.

15 Hall/Lavatory Pass Policy: Student will not be allowed extra hall/restroom passes. Medical and/or family emergencies will be handled appropriately. Sign out in the back of the classroom if it is an emergency. If you leave my room without asking, it will be an automatic STEP/Referral. Make sure you use the restroom before my class and grab all your required materials.

16 New Year’s Resolution The New Year’s resolution as a means of self-improvement may be a uniquely American tradition. Based on the Protestant traditions of reflection and self- improvement in the coming year. Setting Goals and working hard to reach them.

17 Learning Resolution: Write-Pair-Share Scenario: You are making a list of your New Year’s resolutions and want to become a better learner so you can reach your goals. WRITE: Take 2 minutes to brainstorm some ways you can become a better learner. PAIR: Discuss your ideas for a “Learning Resolution”. Partner B goes first. EDIT: go back and change/ edit or fix your resolution. SHARE: Random Selection in a complete sentence provide an answer for your teacher when called upon. “ I don’t know” does not count.


19 Homework Policy: Homework will be required for the class and it must be turned in when assigned (on time) for full credit. Late work will only be allowed if you go to Saturday School and complete your late assignments with Ms. Rissi. You will only receive 67% credit for Saturday School homework/classwork. Otherwise, you are out of luck! Work that is not turned in will receive a zero.

20 Cheating: If caught cheating on an ACE or any type of test you will receive an automatic failing grade and cannot make up that test. You will put yourself in jeopardy of failing the class entirely. NOTE: CHEATING WILL LEAD TO: DISCIPLINARY ACTION, SUSPENSION, REMOVAL FROM PROJECT OR CLASS.

21 Technology New Email Accounts Passwords Chromebooks Google Classroom Remind Teacher Web Page THIS WEEK: Wednesday/Thursday BLOCK Library Visit to change passwords and transfer account information. **IF YOU CANNOT LOG IN, YOU MUST HAVE YOUR ACCOUNT FIXED BEFORE BLOCK DAY!** No exceptions!

22 Remind App (657) 900- 4348 @Wasco11 OR @Wasco10 Email: choose the one for your class.

23 HOMEWORK HW- 11 th : Ask someone who does not go to Wasco High: “How would you feel if you were not allowed an education (of any kind)?” Must be 16+. WRITE DOWN THEIR ANSWER! HW- 10 th : Look up a speech on Youtube. Answer the following: 1. What was great about this speech? 2. What could have been better? 3. Do you think it made people think, feel, or act differently? Why?

24 Ticket Out the Door 1.What needs to be done/ fixed by BLOCK? 2.Where can you get information about assignments if you are absent or have questions? 3.What are the second semester rules for Late Work? Random Selection to review the ticket out the door

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