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MELISSA M FLAHERTY Assignment One- Disability PowerPoint.

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Presentation on theme: "MELISSA M FLAHERTY Assignment One- Disability PowerPoint."— Presentation transcript:

1 MELISSA M FLAHERTY Assignment One- Disability PowerPoint

2 FETAL ALCOHOL SPECTRUM DISORDER FASDs are certain birth defects that are caused by the mother's use of alcohol during pregnancy. These defects can be physical, mental, or a combination of both. The disorders that fall into this spectrum are FAS, FAE, ARBD, and ARND. This disorder is preventable, except in the cases that the mother does not know she is pregnant. Image found on

3 CHARACTERISTICS OF FASD The three major symptoms are:  Decreased Birth Rate  Small Skull  Hearing Disorders These may be accompanied by any or all of the following characteristics:  Growth Delays  Mental Delays  Gross Motor Skill Delays List continued on next slide Image found on

4 CHARACTERISTICS CONTINUED  Fine Motor Skill Delays  Impaired Language Development  Memory Problems  Seizures  Hyperactivity  Characteristic Facial Features such as:  Flattened philtrum (the curves on upper lip)  flattened cheeks  small eyes, droopy eyelids  short, upturned nose ( Image found on

5 ACCOMMODATIONS  “Post all rules and schedules. Use pictures, drawings, symbols, charts, or whatever seems to be effective at conveying the message. Repeatedly go over the rules and their meanings aloud at least once a day. Rules should be the same for all students, but you may need to alter the consequences for a child with FASD.” (  Be sure children with FASD are not sitting for long periods of time. This can be done by scheduling movement breaks during classwork or by letting the child use a rocking chair while trying to focus on their task.

6 OBSERVATIONS Image found on Children with FASD need to move around. Many have a hard time concentrating on their work while also concentrating on staying still. One may see a student with FASD gently rocking back and forth in a special rocking chair at her desk. This enables her to move which in turn helps her focus more on her work.

7 OBSERVATIONS A child with FASD may have fine motor skill delays and would benefit from activities that support the development of fine motor skills. Image found on One might see an older child with FASD sewing as the child in the photo is doing. One might see a care teacher sitting with and helping a young child with FASD use a threading board. Image found on

8 Information: characteristics list: rules and schedules accommodation: Images: child sewing and girl in rocking chair: chart of face : FASD Umbrella: measuring infant head pic: threading board: References

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