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Mrs. Reddish Mr. LoSchiavo Journals. How do you feel about people who make promises they just can’t keep? Have you ever made a promise it was impossible.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Reddish Mr. LoSchiavo Journals. How do you feel about people who make promises they just can’t keep? Have you ever made a promise it was impossible."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Reddish Mr. LoSchiavo Journals

2 How do you feel about people who make promises they just can’t keep? Have you ever made a promise it was impossible to keep? Is it ever okay to break a promise?

3 we went to there house at 124 greenway boulevard but they had already leaved for the south

4 On the Eastern Shore, a lot of people enjoy hunting and fishing. People from other places come here just to do those things. How do you feel about hunting and fishing? Do you participate in these activities? If so, why? If not, why?

5 because they enjoyed fishing in the mississippi river this year they plan to return to the mississippi river next year

6 Has your attitude towards poetry changed? Explain.

7 preparing our dinner the smell of the chicken made dad hungry

8 Imagine you walked into English and you were told the class you could decide how you would spend the next 50 minutes. The only rule is you cannot leave the room. What would you do?

9 the man at the door taking tickets shouted get away from that car

10 What is your favorite type of music? When you can choose the music, what do you play? Make sure you explain why.

11 Loyalty—what does that mean to you? Explain.


13 Free Journal!


15 At the zenith of her basketball career, she had over five lucrative endorsement deals and was considered a lock for MVP. 1.What does zenith mean? No dictionaries. 2.Write at least two synonyms for zenith and at least two antonyms for zenith. 3.Now, let’s try something different. Draw a picture illustrating the meaning of zenith. You could use the information in the sentence to do it.


17 We are halfway through the third marking period. How are you doing? Have you made any specific goals for school this marking period? What are they? What are you doing to achieve them?


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