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TSWBAT demonstrate an understanding of the harmful effects of alcohol on the individual and society and how they can choose to be alcohol free.

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Presentation on theme: "TSWBAT demonstrate an understanding of the harmful effects of alcohol on the individual and society and how they can choose to be alcohol free."— Presentation transcript:

1 TSWBAT demonstrate an understanding of the harmful effects of alcohol on the individual and society and how they can choose to be alcohol free.

2 Define the following terms from lesson 1 Ethanol Fermentation Depressant Intoxication Alcohol abuse


4 Alcohol is a Depressant, which means that it slows down the central nervous system. This affects a person’s motor skills, clear thinking, and good judgment. Medical researchers have found drinking alcohol of any sort slows reflexes. When a person drinks an excessive amount of alcohol they can become intoxicated. This is a state in which the alcohol poisons the body and reduces a person’s physical and mental control

5 Peer Pressure The desire to fit in Family Teens whose parents drink may want to try it. Parents who avoid it may have children who do the same. Media Messages Many messages in movies and TV make Alcohol look exciting Ad Techniques Ads who handsome and popular people having fun and drinking

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7 Alcohol and the law It is not legal for anyone who is under 21 years of age to buy, hold, or drink alcohol. Alcohol, violence, and sexual activity It impairs a teen’s good judgment and making them more likely to be involved in violent crimes and are more likely to be sexually active at an earlier age Car Accidents Alcohol-related car wrecks are the leading cause of teen death Alcohol Abuse This is the excessive us of alcohol. Teens who live with a person who abuses alcohol are at risk for neglect and abuse Alcohol and School Activities Can lose scholarships

8 You can keep your body healthy Protects your body organs from damage You can make responsible choices Having a clear head helps you protect your health You can avoid risky behavior Lessen the risk of sexual activity or drunk driving You can avoid illegal actions Can avoid arrest and legal problems

9 Define the following terms from Lesson 2: Metabolism Blood Alcohol Concentration Binge Drinking Alcohol Poisoning

10 Short term effects differ with each person. Body Size A small person or female will feel effects faster Amount and rate of intake If a person drinks faster than the liver can break it down they will become intoxicated faster Food Food in the stomach slows down the effects

11 Brain Less able to control the body and impairs judgment Heart Heart rate and blood pressure rises. Blood vessels expand and lower body heat Stomach Acid increases which can cause nausea and vomiting Kidneys Increases urine output and can cause dehydration Breathing May slow or even stop

12 Taking alcohol with medicine or other drugs may cause a multiplier effect. This is when a drug has a greater or different effect than if you took it alone. It may slow down the time it takes the body to absorb a drug risking more side effects. May cause the medicine to break down faster then normal which makes it less effective May cause the body to turn the medicine into chemicals that can harm the liver or other organs Can increase the effect of some drugs. For example: cold medicine and alcohol can cause you to be dizzy and sleepy- this is risky to someone driving.

13 With a partner, find a news article about a college student that died from alcohol poisoining. Where were they (a party, bar, etc)? How old were they? Male or female? How long before anyone noticed? Did anyone involved get in trouble?

14 Most states define Driving Under the Influence as having a Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC The amount of alcohol in a persons blood as a percentage) and is what is measured to determine whether a person is drunk when driving most states define drunk driving as.1 or.08. Some of the results of drinking on the body: Slow reflexes Increases risk taking behavior Lowers your ability to judge distance and speed Lowers your ability to pay attention

15 Can Cause harm to the driver and others Can cause injury, property damage, and death-causing you to live with regret Can cause arrest and jail time Heavy fines Losing your drivers license Cause your insurance rates to go up

16 Binge Drinking is drinking five or more alcoholic drinking at one sitting. This is dangerous because it can lead to Alcohol Poisoning. Alcohol Poisoning is a severe and possibly fatal reaction to an alcohol overdose. Signs include: Mental confusion- stupor, coma, vomiting, or seizures Slow Breathing- 10 seconds between breaths or fewer then 8 breaths per minute Irregular heartbeat, low body heat, or bluish skin Severe dehydration

17 Define the following terms from lesson 3: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Alcoholism Alcoholic Recovery Detoxification Sobriety

18 Addiction The person is not able to stop drinking Loss of Brain Functions They begin to lose verbal and visual skills and memory Brain Damage Destroys brain cells and the brain can actually begin to shrink Heart Disease May cause an enlarged heart. High blood pressure may cause heart disease

19 Fatty Liver Fat builds up in the Liver which blocks the flow of blood to liver cells which causes cells to die Alcoholic Hepatitis Infection of liver Cirrhosis Liver tissue turns into scar tissue which can lead to liver failure and death Digestive Problems Drinking hurts the lining of the stomach which can lead to ulcers and cancer Swollen Pancreas The lining of the pancreas swells which blocks the intestine. This can lead to death.

20 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)-A group of alcohol- related birth defects that include both physical and mental problems There is no safe amount of alcohol to consume when pregnant The baby can be born with a small head and deformities of the face, hands, or feet. Heart, liver, and kidney defects, as well as vision and hearing problems are common

21 This is a disease in which a person has a physical or psychological dependence on drinks that contain alcohol. An alcoholic is an addict who is dependent on alcohol. They may have some of the following signs:

22 Craving The person has a strong need for alcohol Loss of Control The person cannot limit his or her drinking Physical Dependence They may have withdrawal if he or she stops drinking Tolerance The person will need to drink more and more to feel the effects of alcohol Health Family and Legal Problems The person may get hurt a lot. They may receive drunk tickets from the police and they may have problems at home Genetic Link Children of alcoholics are more likely to drink

23 Stage 1- Abuse A person may begin to use alcohol to relax. This stage is characterized becoming intoxicated regularly. Then he or she begins to drink regularly. This person may start to lie or make excuses about drinking Stage 2- Dependence The person cannot stop drinking. He or she is dependent on the drug. The person begins to have problems at work or school and home Stage 3- Addiction Drinking is the most important thing in the person’s life. He or she is addicted to the drug. His or her life is out of control. A person will experience extreme withdrawals as a result of stopping drinking.

24 Step 1 Admission The person admits to having a drinking problem Step 2 Detoxification The person goes through a process in which the body adjusts to functioning without alcohol Step 3 Counseling The person receives counseling to help him or her learn to live without alcohol Step 4 Recovery The person takes responsibility for his or her own life

25 Major factor in car crashes, falls, drowning, and house fire 40% of violent crimes are alcohol related 2/3’s of domestic violence victims say that alcohol was a factor in the crime Almost ½ of all homicide victims have alcohol in their blood

26 Al-Anon/Alateen Helps family and friends deal with the effects of living with an alcoholic Alcoholics Anonymous Helps alcohol users of all ages National Association for Children of Alcoholics Gives help to children of alcoholics National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information Gives information about all drugs National Drug and Treatment Referral Routing Service Gives information about treatment

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