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Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher - Jim Rickard Thursday, August 6, 2009.

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1 Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher - Jim Rickard Thursday, August 6, 2009

2 Memory Verse Heb 4:16, “Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”

3 John 14:17, The Spirit of Truth Indwelling of God the Holy Spirit Part 8

4 Doctrine of the Holy Spirit’s Ministry C. The Ministry of the Holy Spirit to Old Testament believers.

5 9. Examples of Enduement in the O.T., as foreshadows of the Indwelling Holy Spirit in the Church Age.

6 a. Skilled labor to make Aaron's high priestly clothes, and to build the tabernacle. Ex 28:3; 31:3

7 We are given the Spirit, who build’s the temple in our soul for the dwelling of our High Priest, the Shekinah glory, the Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Cor 3:16; 2 Thes 2:14

8 b. The seventy administrative assistants to Moses. Num 11:25

9 We are given the Spirit, to execute God’s Plan in our lives for the administration of the Church Age. Eph 1:10; 3:9-10; 1 Tim 1:4

10 c. Joshua was empowered to be successful in warfare. Num 27:18

11 We are given the Spirit, to be successful in spiritual warfare. 2 Cor 10:3-6; Eph 6:12ff

12 d. Certain judges were empowered to defeat Israel's enemies. Judges 3:9-10; 6:34; 11:29; 14:6; 15:14ff

13 We are given the Spirit, to defeat our Old Sin Nature and Satan’s temptations so the Holy Spirit may rule our souls. Rom 6:1-23; 2 Cor 10:5; Eph 4:22; Col 3:9

14 e. Saul was empowered for ruling and communicating, so that the people could identify their leader. 1 Sam 10:9-10

15 We are given the Spirit, to rule our souls with the Word, in worship of the Church’s corporate head, Jesus Christ. Eph 5:23, 32; Col 1:18-19; 2:10, 19; 3:15-16

16 f. David, whose great feats were accomplished in the power of the Spirit, 1 Sam 16:13. He was perpetually empowered with the Spirit.

17 We are permanently indwelt by the Spirit to produce Divine good. Gal 5:22-26; Eph 2:10; 4:28- 32; Phil 2:13; Col 1:10

18 g. The human authors of the O.T., 1 Peter 1:11-12; 2 Peter 1:20-21. They knew about Jesus Christ and his impend- ing 1 st Advent, which they preached by means of the power of the Holy Spirit.

19 We are given the Spirit, to proclaim the gospel of Christ as His ambassadors. 2 Cor 5:20; Mark 16:15; and Luke 4:18, with Jesus as our prototype.

20 10. There were 3 carnal believers in the O.T. whom the Holy Spirit empowered. a. Balaam, Num 24:2 b. Samson, Judges 13-15 c. Saul, 1 Sam 19:23-24

21 11. The Extent of the Holy Spirit’s work was limited in the O.T.:

22 a. As to people: After God chose Israel, the Spirit’s work was primarily with that group, being present and guiding them. Neh 9:20; Isa 63:10-11, 14; cf. Num 11:29

23 b. As to kinds of ministry: In O.T. times the Spirit’s ministry was limited, specific and unique; nothing like as after Pentecost.

24 c. As to eternality. There was no guarantee of the permanent presence of the Spirit in O.T. times. Judges 13:25; 16:20; 1 Sam 10:10; 16:14

25 O.T. believers who received the Holy Spirit could lose the Holy Spirit as a matter of discipline (e.g., Saul, 1 Sam 16:13-14; David, Psa 51:11 and the warning to Solomon, Prov 1:23).

26 Grace Fellowship Church Grace Fellowship Church Thursday, August 6, 2009 Tape # 09-053 The Spirit of Truth – The Indwelling Holy Spirit, Part 8 Upper Room Discourse, Part 285 John 14:17; Judges 3:9-10; 6:34; 11:29; 14:6; 15:14ff James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2009

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