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Business imitation game Store chain – cities. Store chain – cities Initial resources 500K EUR Two cities – different development Two store types – large.

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Presentation on theme: "Business imitation game Store chain – cities. Store chain – cities Initial resources 500K EUR Two cities – different development Two store types – large."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business imitation game Store chain – cities

2 Store chain – cities Initial resources 500K EUR Two cities – different development Two store types – large and medium

3 Stores Large storeMedium store Area5K m 2 2K m 2 Employees4020 Maintenance costs per year 20K EUR10K EUR Margin10% Maintenance costs for inactive stores 10K EUR5K EUR Activation costs10K EUR

4 Stores Large storeMedium store Construction400K EUR200K EUR The store becomes operational on the following year after construction or acquiring.

5 Finance Expenditure: Store construction or acquiring Activation of inactive stores Personnel costs Store maintenance -10% interest rate if the balance is negative Income: Income (turnover ∙ margin) +5% interest rate if the balance is positive

6 Demographics Each city has data for the population growth during last 5 years. Cyclical fluctuations, random factors.

7 Economics Each city has data for the economic growth during last 5 years. Cyclical fluctuation, random factors. Economic growth has inpact on inhabitants income and retail spending.

8 Retail Each city has data for retail activities during last 5 years (turnover, number of stores). Retail development depends on player actions.

9 Additionally Retail turnover per square meter is equal for each company in the city. Effect of marketing, retail pricing, branding and other factors not included. Infinite number of stores. Infinite loan amounts. Game ends in 5 years.


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